Amiga Plus Leser 19
Amiga Plus Leser CD 19.iso
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; DelfMPEG - MPEG audio player for Delfina DSP
; Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Michael Henke
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
;Delfina object DSP56K_MP3
;memory map (for Amiga access)
; prog
; 0 .. init
; +2 .. decode frame
; xdata
;+2048 .. inbuf (framedata: +0..side info, +11 words..main_data)
; ydata
; +16 .. busy (Amiga read only, TRUE (NON-ZERO) if decoder is running)
; +17 .. forcemono (Amiga write)
; +18 .. pow43tab (8206 words; precalculated by main prog)
include 'delfequ.inc'
org p:
jmp init
; **** MPEG1 layer III frame decoder ****
; parameters
; x1 - mono (mono: non_zero, stereo: zero)
; x0 - output buffer (1152 words in L-mem)
; y1 - modext (from frame header: mode extension)
; y0 - /
; uses ideas/code from:
; - MPEG Audio Layer II decoder by Fredrik Noring and Tomas Berndtsson
; (an mp2 player for Atari Falcon, DSP56K code)
; - amp11 by Niklas Beisert (clean and fast C++ code)
; - FalcAMP by Denis "STGhost" Huguet and David "Splash" Carrere
; (an mp3 player for Atari Falcon, DSP56K code)
; - reference code by MPEG Software Simulation Group ("the original" C code)
; Delfina DSP programming by Smack/Infect!
; (Sun 09-Apr-2000) - finally: it's working!!
; (but INTENSITY STEREO decoding is not implemented yet)
; (Wed 26-Apr-2000) - optimized synthesis and hybrid filter routines
; (Sat 29-Apr-2000) - optimized huffman decoding routines
; (Tue 16-May-2000) - started implementing INTENSITY STEREO support
; but it's not working yet (temporarily removed)
; (Sun 16-Jul-2000) - optimized a little (tiny speedup only)
; (Sun 01-Apr-2001) - fixed stupid bug which had caused minor distortions
; (Sat 07-Apr-2001) - implemented INTENSITY STEREO decoding (at last)
; (Wed 10-Oct-2001) - huffman decoding tiny speedup (now it's getting tricky)
; (Thu 24-Oct-2002) - synthesis: corrected output level
; - huffman/scaling: reorder short blocks only (less memory)
; - scaling: skip zero scalefactor bands (tiny speedup)
move x1,x:mono
move x0,x:outbuf
clr b y1,x:modext
tfr x1,a #<1,b1
tst a #<2,a1
tne b,a
move a1,x:channels
move a1,y:busy ;set BUSY to non-zero
move #>inbuf,r7
jsr getbits_init
; the active 'getbits' routine occupies these registers: r5, r6, r7, b
; (their contents must not be changed!!)
; 'getbits' is used in the bitstream processing routines:
; * get side info
; * read scalefactors
; * read huffman
; this register limitation does not exist in the other parts of the decoder
;*** get side info
clr a #<9,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(9) - main_data_begin
move x:mono,a
move #>5,x0
tst a #<3,a1
tne x0,a
clr a a1,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(mono?5:3) - private_bits
;****** read scalefactor selection info
move x:mono,a
move #>4,x0
tst a #<8,a1
tne x0,a ;loops=mono?4:8
move #>granule1_sfsi,r0
do a1,read_sfsi
jsr (r6) ;getbit1
move a,x:(r0)+
;****** read granule side info
move #>si_tab,r3 ;first granule
move x:channels,n3
move #<0,y1 ;y1=bitpos
move #<0,x1 ;x1=granule_counter
do n3,read_grsi_loop ;channels
move x:(r3)+,r0 ;r0=pointer to si_struct
clr a #<12,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(12)
add y1,a y1,x:(r0)+ ;si.grstart=bitpos
move a,x:(r0)+ a,y1 ;si.grend=bitpos_new
clr a #<9,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(9)
lsl a #<8,n7 ;*2
clr a a,x:(r0)+ a,y0 ;si.regionend2 !! y0
jsr (r5) ;getbits(8)
move a,x:(r0)+ ;si.globalgain
clr a #<4,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(4)
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.sfcompress
jsr (r6) ;getbit1
jeq read_grsi_block0
clr a #<2,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(2)
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.blocktype
jsr (r6) ;getbit1
move a,x:(r0)+ ;si.mixedblock
clr a #<5,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(5)
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.tabsel0
jsr (r5) ;getbits(5)
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.tabsel1
move a,x:(r0)+ ;si.tabsel2=0
do #3,read_grsi_sbg_loop
clr a #<3,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(3)
rep #3
lsl a
move a,x:(r0)+ ;si.subblockgain012 * 8 !!!!
move #<36,a1
move a1,x:(r0) ;si.regionend0
move #>576,x0 ;x0=si.regionend1
jmp read_grsi_block0e
move a,x:(r0)+ ;si.blocktype =0
move a,x:(r0)+ ;si.mixedblock=0
move #<5,n7
do #3,read_grsi_tabsel_loop
jsr (r5) ;getbits(5)
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.tabsel012
rep #3
move a,x:(r0)+ ;si.subblockgain012
move #<4,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(4)
move #>1,x0
add x0,a x:sfbandl_p,r2 ;+1
clr a a,n2
move #<3,n7
jsr (r5) ;getbits(3)
add x0,a n2,x0 ;+1
add x0,a x:(r2+n2),x0 ;+region0count
move a,n2
move x0,x:(r0) ;si.regionend0
move x:(r2+n2),x0 ;x0=si.regionend1
move x:(r0),a
cmp y0,a ;? si.regionend0 > si.regionend2 ?
tpl y0,a
tfr x0,a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.regionend0
cmp y0,a ;? si.regionend1 > si.regionend2 ?
tpl y0,a
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.regionend1
jsr (r6) ;getbit1
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.preflag
jsr (r6) ;getbit1
move #>1,y0
add y0,a #>32,y0
clr a a,x:(r0)+ ;si.sfshift + 1 !!!!
jsr (r6) ;getbit1
move #<33,a1 ;33
teq y0,a ;32
move a1,x:(r0)+ ;si.tabsel3
tfr x1,a #<1,x1 ;granule_counter
tst a #>si_tab+2,r3
jeq read_grsi_loop_head ;second granule
;****** for(gr=0;gr<ngr;gr++) ;decode 2 granules
move #>si_tab,r0
move #>granule0_sfsi,n0
clr a x:outbuf,r1
move r0,x:si_granule_tab_p
move n0,x:sfsi_p
move r1,x:outbuf
move a,x:granule_counter
;****** for(ch=0;ch<stereo;ch++) ;read+scale 1 or 2 channels
move #>scalefac0,r3
move x:channels,a
move #>xr0,r1
move r0,x:si_tab_p
move r1,x:xr_p
move a,x:channel_counter
move r3,x:scalefac_p
;****** move bitstream pointer to si.grstart
move x:si_tab_p,r1
move #>inbuf+11,r7 ;skip sideinfo
clr b x:(r1),r1 ;r1=si_struct !! r1
move #<24,b1
move x:(r1),a ;si.grstart
sub b,a (r7)+
jgt move_to_grstart
add b,a (r7)-
jsr getbits_init ;skip bits (24bit words)
tst a a,n7
jsne (r5) ;getbits
move #<sfcompress-si0,n1
move x:(r1),b0 ;si.grstart - correct bit counter!
;*** read scalefactors
move x:(r1+n1),n2 ;si.sfcompress
move #>slentab0,r2
move #>newslen,r0
move x:(r2+n2),a
move a,x:(r0)+ ;newslen0=slentab0[si.sfcompress]
move #>slentab1,r2
move a,x:(r0)+ ;newslen1=slentab0[si.sfcompress]
move x:(r2+n2),a
move a,x:(r0)+ ;newslen2=slentab1[si.sfcompress]
move #<blocktype-si0,n1
move a,x:(r0)+ ;newslen3=slentab1[si.sfcompress]
;****** select sfbtab
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.blocktype
move #>2,x0
cmp x0,a #>sfbtab0,a ;sfb=sfbtab0 (blocktype!=2)
jne read_sf_ne2
move #<mixedblock-si0,n1
move #>sfbtab1,x0
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.mixedblock
tst a #>sfbtab2,a ;sfb=sfbtab2 (mixedblock)
teq x0,a ;sfb=sfbtab1 (!mixedblock)
move a,r2 ;r2=sfb
move x:sfsi_p,r1 ;r1=sfsi
move #>newslen,r0 ;r0=newslen ;r3=sfp (scalefac0/1)
;****** read scalefactors
do #4,read_sf_loop0
move x:(r2)+,x0 ;sfb[i]
move x:(r2),a ;sfb[i+1]
sub x0,a
move x:(r1)+,a a,y0 ;sfsi[i]
tst a y0,n3 ;sfb[i+1]-sfb[i]
move x:(r0)+,a ;newslen[i]
jne read_sf_skip ;if(!sfsi[i])
do n3,read_sf_loop1 ;for(k=sfb[i];k<sfb[i+1];k++)
clr a a,x0
cmp x0,a x0,n7
jsne (r5) ;getbits
move a,x:(r3)+ x0,a ;*sfp++=getbits(newslen[i])
move (r3)-n3
move (r3)+n3 ;else sfp+=sfb[i+1]-sfb[i]
clr a r1,x:sfsi_p
move a,x:(r3)+
move a,x:(r3)+
move a,x:(r3)+
;*** read huffman
move x:si_tab_p,r1
move #<blocktype-si0,n1
move x:(r1),r1 ;r1=si_struct !! r1
;****** read region0
move #<regionend0-si0,n1
move x:xr_p,r3 ;r3=xr (output)
move #>pow43tab,r4 ;r4=pow43tab
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.regionend0
asr a #<tabsel0-si0,n1
move a,n3 ;n3=loop_count
tst a x:(r1+n1),n0 ;si.tabsel0
jsgt huff_region012
;****** read region1
move #<regionend0-si0,n1
move x:(r1+n1),x0 ;si.regionend0
move #<regionend1-si0,n1
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.regionend1
sub x0,a
asr a #<tabsel1-si0,n1
move a,n3 ;n3=loop_count
tst a x:(r1+n1),n0 ;si.tabsel1
jsgt huff_region012
;****** read region2
move #<regionend1-si0,n1
move x:(r1+n1),x0 ;si.regionend1
move #<regionend2-si0,n1
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.regionend2
sub x0,a
asr a #<tabsel2-si0,n1
move a,n3 ;n3=loop_count
tst a x:(r1+n1),n0 ;si.tabsel2
jsgt huff_region012
jmp huff_region012_end
move #>htablinbits,r0
move #>15,x1 ;x1=#15 !! x1
move x:(r0+n0),n2 ;n2=linbits
move #>htabs,r0
move r1,n1 ;save r1
move x:(r0+n0),n5 ;n5=htab
move #>huff_dec012_end,r6 ;r6=huff_dec012_end
move #>huff_dec012_gb_ne1,r2 ;r2=huff_dec012_gb_ne1
move #<$10,y1 ;y1=#$100000 - shift 3 bits !! y1
do n3,huff_loop012
move n5,r0 ;tab
;---faster huffman decoder
;-based on the assumption that the overhead for "do/enddo" pays off
;-when the loop is taken several times (more than twice?)
do #999,huff_dec012_end ;"inifinite loop"
move x:(r0)+,x0 ;v=*tab++
mpy x0,y1,a r0,r1 ;if(v>=0)
jge (r6) ;huff_dec012_end ;return v
;-nop- inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b x0,n0
jne (r2) ;huff_dec012_gb_ne1
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
move (r0)-n0 ;if(getbit1)
tcc b,a r1,r0 ;tab-=v
inc b ;useful for required AGU delay
enddo ;end of "infinite loop"
lsr a ;x=val>>4
jeq huff_r012_zero_0
eor x1,a a,n4 ;if(x==15)
jne huff_r012_ne15_0
clr a n2,y0
cmp y0,a n2,n7
jsne (r5) ;getbits(linbits)
add x1,a ;+15
move a,n4
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b y:(r4+n4),a ;v=pow43tab[x]
jne huff_r012_gb_ne_0
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
neg a a,y0 ;(keep CARRY bit!)
tcc y0,a ;if(getbit1) v=-v
tfr x0,a a,x:(r3)+ ;xr[i+0]=v
and x1,a n2,y0 ;x=val&15
jeq huff_r012_zero_1
eor x1,a a,n4 ;if(x==15)
jne huff_r012_ne15_1
cmp y0,a n2,n7
jsne (r5) ;getbits(linbits)
add x1,a ;+15
move a,n4
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b y:(r4+n4),a ;v=pow43tab[x]
jne huff_r012_gb_ne_1
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
neg a a,y0 ;(keep CARRY bit!)
tcc y0,a ;if(getbit1) v=-v
move a,x:(r3)+ ;xr[i+1]=v
move n1,r1 ;restore r1
;****** read region3
move #<regionend2-si0,n1
move #>576,a
move x:(r1+n1),x0 ;si.regionend2
move #<grend-si0,n1
sub x0,a #>huff_dec3_gb_ne1,r6
asr a x:(r1+n1),x1 ;si.grend !! x1
asr a #<tabsel3-si0,n1
move #>htabs,r0
move x:(r1+n1),n0 ;si.tabsel3
jle huff_region3_end ;--> skip ( because regionend2>=576 )
move x:(r0+n0),n1 ;n1=htab
move a,x0 y:pow43tab+1,a
neg a a,n2 ;n2= pow43tab[1] !! n2
tfr x0,a a,y0 ;y0=-pow43tab[1] !! y0
move #>huff_dec3,r1
move #>huff_dec3_gb_ne0,r5
do a,huff_loop3
move b0,a ;bit counter
cmp x1,a n1,r0 ;tab
jmi huff_dec3_start ;while(huffbit<si.grend)
jmp huff_loop3
;---faster huffman decoder
;-based on the knowledge that the first table entry is always negative.
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b x:(r0)+,n0 ;v=*tab++
jne (r5) ;huff_dec3_gb_ne0
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
jcc (r1) ;huff_dec3 ;if(getbit1)
move (r0)-n0 ;tab-=v
clr a x:(r0)+,x0 ;v=*tab++
jclr #23,x0,huff_dec3_end ;if(v>=0) return v
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b x0,n0
jne (r6) ;huff_dec3_gb_ne1
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
jcc (r1) ;huff_dec3 ;if(getbit1)
move (r0)-n0 ;tab-=v
jmp (r1) ;huff_dec3
jclr #3,x0,huff_r3_zero_3 ;if(x=(val>>3)&1)
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b n2,a ;x
jne huff_r3_gb_ne_3
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
huff_r3_gb_ne_3 ;if(getbit1)
tcs y0,a ;x=-x
clr a a,x:(r3)+ ;xr[i+0]=x
jclr #2,x0,huff_r3_zero_2 ;if(x=(val>>2)&1)
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b n2,a ;x
jne huff_r3_gb_ne_2
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
huff_r3_gb_ne_2 ;if(getbit1)
tcs y0,a ;x=-x
clr a a,x:(r3)+ ;xr[i+1]=x
jclr #1,x0,huff_r3_zero_1 ;if(x=(val>>1)&1)
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b n2,a ;x
jne huff_r3_gb_ne_1
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
huff_r3_gb_ne_1 ;if(getbit1)
tcs y0,a ;x=-x
clr a a,x:(r3)+ ;xr[i+2]=x
jclr #0,x0,huff_r3_zero_0 ;if(x=val&1)
inc b ;---getbit1 inline
lsl b n2,a ;x
jne huff_r3_gb_ne_0
move x:(r7)+,b1
rol b
huff_r3_gb_ne_0 ;if(getbit1)
tcs y0,a ;x=-x
move a,x:(r3)+ ;xr[i+3]=x
; from now on we can use all registers again
; because 'getbits' is no longer active (r5, r6, r7, b)
;set the remaining samples to zero
move #>576,y0 ;y0=576 !!
clr b x:xr_p,a
add y0,a r3,x0 ;a=end of xr
sub x0,a r3,x:xr_zero_p ;a=end - current
jle huff_clear_loop
do a,huff_clear_loop
move b,x:(r3)+
;--INTENSITY STEREO-- find highest non-zero sample
move x:modext,a ;IS: bit0=1
lsr a x:channel_counter,b
jcc is_skip_zero ;skip if not IS
lsr b #>xr1+576-1,r0
jne is_skip_zero ;skip if not second channel
tfr y0,a #>1,x0 ;y0=576 (from huff_clear_loop)
move #>is_find_zero,r4
sub x0,a x:(r0)-,b
tst b
jeq (r4) ;is_find_zero
tst a #<0,x0
tmi x0,a
move a,x:x_is_nonzero
;*** scale samples
move x:si_tab_p,r1
move #<blocktype-si0,n1
move x:(r1),r1 ;r1=si_struct !! r1
;****** number of LONG and SHORT bands
clr b #>2,x0
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.blocktype
move #<13,b1 ;s_min=13 (blocktype!=2)
cmp x0,a #<22,a1 ;l_max=22 (blocktype!=2)
jne scale_ne2
move #<mixedblock-si0,n1
move #<0,x0
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.mixedblock
move #<3,b1 ;s_min=3 (mixedblock)
tst a #<8,a1 ;l_max=8 (mixedblock)
teq x0,b ;s_min=0 (!mixedblock)
teq x0,a ;l_max=0 (!mixedblock)
move #<globalgain-si0,n1
move b,n5 ;n5=s_min
move x:(r1+n1),n6 ;n6=si.globalgain
move x:scalefac_p,r2 ;r2=sfp
move #<sfshift-si0,n1
move #x_quantab,n4 ;n4=quantab
move x:(r1+n1),n2 ;n2=si.sfshift (+1 = 1 or 2)
move #<subblockgain0-si0,n1
move #>pretab,r4 ;r4=pretab
lua (r1)+n1,r7 ;r7=&si.subblockgain0
;****** scale LONG bands
tst a a,x1
jeq scale_l_loop0 ;-->skip ( because l_max==0 )
move #<preflag-si0,n1
move x:xr_p,r0 ;r0=xr
move x:(r1+n1),n0 ;n0=si.preflag
move x:sfbandl_p,r5 ;r5=bil
move n0,a ;preflag
move x:xr_zero_p,n1 ;n1=xr_zero_p
do x1,scale_l_loop0 ;for (j=0; j<l_max; j++)
move n1,b ;xr_zero_p
move r0,x1
sub x1,b
jle scale_l_skip ;skip (because all samples are zero)
tst a x:(r4)+,x1 ;pretab[j]
tne x1,a ;a=(preflag ? pretab[j] : 0)
move x:(r2)+,x1 ;*sfp++
add x1,a n6,x0 ;a+=sf ;gg
rep n2
lsl a r0,r1 ;a<<=sfshift (1 or 2)
neg a #<0,y0 ;a=-a ;y0=0 (for DP Multiply mode!!)
add x0,a n4,r3 ;a+=gg ;quantab
tmi y0,a
lsl a x:(r5)+,x1 ;a<<=1 ;bil[j]
move a,n3
move x:(r5),b ;bil[j+1]
sub x1,b (r3)+n3 ;quantab[gg-(sf+pre)<<shift]
move x:(r3)+,x1 ;MSP
clr a x:(r3),x0 ;LSP ;a=0 (for DP Multiply mode!!)
;this is the "fastest" version of the Double Precision Multiply scaling loop
;(no checks for overflow; no "move #0,a" between two calculations)
;(assumption: the results are ALWAYS in the __lowest_18bit_of_a0__ only)
lsr b x:(r0),y1
ori #$40,mr ;enter Double Precision Multiply mode
do b,scale_l_loop1 ;for (i=bil[j]; i<bil[j+1]; i++)
mac x0,y1,a (r0)+ ;LSP*SP
mac y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y1 ;shifted(a)+SP*MSP
mac x0,y1,a a0,x:(r1)+ ;LSP*SP
mac y1,x1,a x:(r0),y1 ;shifted(a)+SP*MSP
move a0,x:(r1)+
andi #$bf,mr ;exit Double Precision Multiply mode
move n0,a ;preflag
;****** scale SHORT bands
clr a n5,x1 ;s_min
move #<13,a1
sub x1,a x:sfbands_p,r5
jle scale_s_loop0 ;--> skip ( because s_min>=13 )
move x:xr_p,r0
move (r5)+n5 ;r5=&bis[s_min]
move x:(r5),n0
move n4,n5 ;n5=quantab
move (r0)+n0 ;r0=&xr[bis[s_min]]
move #<3,n1
move #y_reorder,n7 ;n7=&reorder[0]
move n7,r4 ;r4=&reorder[0]
do a,scale_s_loop0 ;for (j=s_min; j<13; j++)
move x:xr_zero_p,b
move r0,x1
sub x1,b x:(r5)+,x1 ;bis[j]
jle scale_s_skip
move x:(r5),a ;bis[j+1]
sub x1,a #>$2aaaaa,x0
move a,x1 ;(bis[j+1]-bis[j])/3
mpyr x0,x1,b r7,r6 ;r6=&si.subblockgain0
lsr b r0,n0 ;b=(inner loop count) ;n0=&xr[bis[j]]
move a,n4 ;n4=(copy loop count)
do #3,scale_s_loop1 ;for (k=0; k<3; k++)
move x:(r2)+,a ;a=*sfp++
rep n2
lsl a x:(r6),x1 ;a<<=sfshift (1 or 2)
; ;x1=si.subblockgain[k] (* 8 !!!!)
add x1,a n6,x0 ;a+=sbg ;gg
neg a #<0,y0 ;a=-a ;y0=0 (for DP Multiply mode!!)
add x0,a (r6)+ ;a+=gg
tmi y0,a
lsl a n5,r3 ;a<<=1 ;quantab
move a,n3
move r4,r1 ;r1=&reorder[k]
move (r3)+n3 ;quantab[gg-sf<<shift-sbg]
move x:(r3)+,x1 ;MSP
clr a x:(r3),x0 ;LSP ;a=0 (for DP Multiply mode!!)
;this is the "fastest" version of the Double Precision Multiply scaling loop
;(no checks for overflow; no "move #0,a" between two calculations)
;(assumption: the results are ALWAYS in the __lowest_18bit_of_a0__ only)
ori #$40,mr ;enter Double Precision Multiply mode
move x:(r0),y1
do b,scale_s_loop2 ;for (i=bis[j]; i<bis[j+1]; i+=3)
mac x0,y1,a (r0)+ ;LSP*SP
mac y1,x1,a x:(r0)+,y1 ;shifted(a)+SP*MSP
mac x0,y1,a a0,y:(r1)+n1 ;LSP*SP ;store in y_reorder
mac y1,x1,a x:(r0),y1 ;shifted(a)+SP*MSP
move a0,y:(r1)+n1 ;store in y_reorder
andi #$bf,mr ;exit Double Precision Multiply mode
move (r4)+ ;r4=&reorder[k+1]
move n7,r4 ;r4=&reorder[0]
move n0,r1 ;n0=&xr[bis[j]]
move y:(r4)+,a
do n4,scale_s_skip
move a,x:(r1)+ y:(r4)+,a ;copy from y_reorder back to xr
move n7,r4 ;r4=&reorder[0]
move x:si_tab_p,r0
move #>scalefac1,r3
move #>xr1,r1
move x:channel_counter,a
lsr a (r0)+
jne scale_channel_loop ;next channel
;****** for(ch=0;ch<stereo;ch++) ;end************************
;*** joint-stereo processing
clr b x:modext,a
tst a #<2,b1
jeq js_end ;modext==0 -> no joint-stereo
cmp b,a #>xr0,r0
move #>xr1,r1
jne js_modext_1_3
;****** modext==2 - MID/SIDE STEREO for all samples
move r1,r2
move #0.70710678,y0 ;sqrt(0.5)
move x:(r0),x0
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r1)+,x1
macr x1,y0,a
mpy x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+
macr -x1,y0,b x:(r0),x0
do #576-1,js_ms_loop
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r1)+,x1
macr x1,y0,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+
macr -x1,y0,b x:(r0),x0
move b,x:(r2)+
jmp js_end
;****** modext==1 or 3 - INTENSITY STEREO
move #>scalefac1,r2 ;scalefac1 !! r2
move #>ktab,r6 ;ktab !! r6
clr b x:si_tab_p,r3
move #<blocktype-si0,n3
move #<2,b1
move x:(r3),r3
move x:x_is_nonzero,x1 ; !! x1
move x:(r3+n3),x0 ;si.blocktype
cmp x0,b a,n7 ;n7=modext !! n7
jeq js_is_blocktype2
;** blocktype != 2 (long bands only)
;r0=xr0 r1=xr1 r2=scalefac1 r6=ktab x1=is_nonzero n7=modext
move #>scalefac1+20,r3
move x:sfbandl_p,r5 ;r5 !!
move r5,r4 ;r4 - for limitloop
move x:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r3) ;copy sf[20] to sf[21]
move r2,r3 ;r3 - for limitloop
;------ find scalefactor boundary where INTENSITY STEREO begins
move x:(r4)+,a ;bil[i]
cmp x1,a #<7,b1
jgt js_is_limit_long ;? bil[i] > is_nonzero ?
move b1,x:(r3)+ ;scalefactor=7 (no IS)
jmp js_is_limitloop_long
;------ process all scalefactor bands
do #22,js_is_loop_long
move x:(r5)+,x0 ;bil[i]
clr b x:(r5),a ;bil[i+1]
sub x0,a #<7,b1
move x:(r2)+,x0 ;sf[i]
cmp x0,b a,n0
move a,n1
move x0,n6
move x:(r0),x0
jeq js_is_sf7_long
;------ scalefactor != 7
move l:(r6+n6),y ;y1=ktab[sf][0] y0=ktab[sf][1]
do n0,js_is_isloop_long
mpyr x0,y1,a
mpyr x0,y0,a a,x:(r0)+
move x:(r0),x0
move a,x:(r1)+
jmp js_is_msloop_long ;rewind xr pointers
;------ scalefactor == 7
jclr #1,n7,js_is_skipms_long ;? is it MID/SIDE STEREO ?
move #0.70710678,y0 ;sqrt(0.5)
do n0,js_is_msloop_long
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r1),x1
macr x1,y0,a
mpy x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+
macr -x1,y0,b x:(r0),x0
move b,x:(r1)+
move (r0)-n0 ;rewind xr pointers
move (r1)-n1
move (r0)+n0 ;forward xr pointers
move (r1)+n1
jmp js_end
;!! this implementation is still missing some features !!
;-mixed blocks are not handled here
;-the IS-boundary is not detected 100% correctly for short bands
;this could result in some minor (hardly audible) distortions when playing
;mp3 files that actually use those these features (_most_ files do not!)
;** blocktype == 2 (short bands)
;r0=xr0 r1=xr1 r2=scalefac1 r6=ktab x1=is_nonzero n7=modext
move #>scalefac1+33,r3
move #<2,n3
move x:sfbands_p,r5 ;r5 !!
move x:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r3+n3) ;copy sf[33] to sf[36]
move x:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r3+n3) ;copy sf[34] to sf[37]
move x:(r3)+,x0
move x0,x:(r3+n3) ;copy sf[35] to sf[38]
move x1,n2 ;n2=is_nonzero
move r0,r3
move r1,r4
;------ process all scalefactor bands
do #13,is_short_loop
move x:(r5)+,x0 ;bis[i]
move x:(r5),a ;bis[i+1]
move x0,n3
move x0,n4
sub x0,a #>$2aaaaa,x0
move a,x1
mpyr x0,x1,a #<3,n0 ;(bis[j+1]-bis[j])/3
move a,n5 ;(inner loop counter)
;------ three scalefactors in each band
do #3,is_short_3_loop
lua (r3)+n3,r0
lua (r4)+n4,r1
clr b x:(r2)+,x0 ;sf[i]
move #<7,b1
cmp x0,b #<3,n1
jeq is_short_sf7 ;? scalefactor == 7 (SKIP) ?
move n3,a ;bis[i] ??? + 0/1/2 ???
move n2,x1 ;is_nonzero
cmp x1,a x0,n6
jle is_short_sf7 ;? in NON-ZERO region (SKIP) ?
;------ scalefactor != 7
move x:(r0),x0
move l:(r6+n6),y ;y1=ktab[sf][0] y0=ktab[sf][1]
do n5,is_short_isloop
mpyr x0,y1,a
mpyr x0,y0,a a,x:(r0)+n0
move x:(r0),x0
move a,x:(r1)+n1
jmp is_short_msloop
;------ scalefactor == 7
jclr #1,n7,is_short_msloop ;? is it MID/SIDE STEREO ?
move #0.70710678,y0 ;sqrt(0.5)
move x:(r0),x0
do n5,is_short_msloop
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r1),x1
macr x1,y0,a
mpy x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+n0
macr -x1,y0,b x:(r0),x0
move b,x:(r1)+n1
move x:(r3)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 ;advance pointers r3, r4
rep #3
move x:(r3)-,x0 y:(r4)-,y0 ;rewind pointers r3, r4
;****** for(ch=0;ch<stereo;ch++) ;filter+synthesize 1 or 2 channels
move x:si_granule_tab_p,r0
move #>xr0,r1
move #>hybrid_prev0,r2
move #>synth_audio_l_p,r3
move x:channels,a
move r0,x:si_tab_p
move r1,x:xr_p
move r2,x:prev_p
move r3,x:synth_audio_pp
move a,x:channel_counter
;*** hybrid filter
move x:si_tab_p,r1
move #<blocktype-si0,n1
clr b x:(r1),r1 ;r1=si_struct
;****** select LONG / SHORT limit
move #<2,b1
clr a x:(r1+n1),x0 ;x0=si.blocktype
cmp x0,b #<32,a1 ; a=lim=32 (blocktype!=2)
jne hybrid_block_ne2
move #<mixedblock-si0,n1
move #<0,x0 ;x0=0 (blocktype in mixedblock)
move x:(r1+n1),a ;si.mixedblock
tst a b,a ; a=lim=2 (mixedblock)
teq x0,a ; a=lim=0 (!mixedblock)
move a,n1 ;n1=lim !! IMDCT !!
clr b #<36,n0
cmp x0,b #>imdct_windows,r0
jeq hybrid_win0 ;;had been 'jle' ... stupid bug!
rep x0
move (r0)+n0 ;r0=&win[blocktype] !! IMDCT !!
;****** antialias butterflies
move #<1,b1
sub b,a x:xr_p,r4
jle antialias_loop ;--> skip ( because lim<=1 )
move #<18,n4
move x:cs_ca_tab_p,r3
movec #<16-1,m3 ;modulo-16 addressing
move (r4)+n4 ;upper band
move r4,r2 ;upper band
lua (r4)-,r5 ;lower band
move #<18-8+1,n2
move #<18-8+1,n4
move #<18+8,n5
move x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y0
move (r5)-n5
do a,antialias_loop
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+,x1 y:(r3)+,y1
macr -x1,y1,a (r5)+n5 ;update r5
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y1
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+,x1
macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y1
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+,x1
macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y1
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+,x1
macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y1
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+,x1
macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y1
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+,x1
macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y1
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+,x1
macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5),x0 y:(r3)+,y1
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r4)+n4,x1 ;update r4
macr -x1,y1,a b,x:(r2)+
mpy x1,y0,b a,x:(r5)- y:(r3)+,y0 ;!y0
macr x0,y1,b x:(r5+n5),x0 ;!x0
move b,x:(r2)+n2 ;update r2
movec m7,m3 ;linear addressing
move x:xr_p,r7 ;r7=xr !! r7
move x:prev_p,n6 ;n6=prev !! n6
move #<0,n2 ;n2=sb&1 (even or odd subband) !! n2
;****** IMDCT for LONG bands
move n1,a ;lim
tst a r0,n7 ;n7=&win[blocktype] !! n7
jle imdct_l_loop0 ;--> skip ( because lim<=0 )
do a,imdct_l_loop0
;-- 1. input aliasing for 36pts idct
move r7,r1 ;get r1 (input pointer)
move x:synth_imfct_p,r5 ;r5=imdct input area
movec #<18-1,m5 ;m5 -> modulo-18 addressing
move x:(r1)+,a
move x:(r1)+,x0 a,y0
add x0,a x:(r1)+,x0 a,y:(r5)+
sub y0,a x:(r1)+,x1 a,y:(r5)+
add x0,a x0,y1
add y0,a x:(r1)+,x0 a,y:(r5)+
add x1,a x1,b
do #3,imdct_l_input_alias
add x0,b x0,y0
move x:(r1)+,x1 a,y:(r5)+
add y1,b x:(r1)+,x0 b,y:(r5)+
add x1,b x1,a
add x0,a x0,y1
move x:(r1)+,x1 b,y:(r5)+
add y0,a x:(r1)+,x0 a,y:(r5)+
add x1,a x1,b
add x0,b #<9-1,n0
move x:(r1)+,x1 a,y:(r5)+
add y1,b b,y:(r5)+
add x1,b #<4,n5
move b,y:(r5)+
;-- 2. 9pts idct/butterflies/twiddle factors for even indices,
; and 36pts idct twiddle factors
move r5,r0 ;r0=&e0 (9 words in X: mem)
move #>imdct_l_tab,r2 ;r2=imdct coefficients
lua (r0)+n0,r1 ;r1=&e7 (should be named e8!)
move y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;;
tfr y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y1
mac x0,y1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> 0.5 !! x1
mac x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp0/2
asl a ;a=tmp0
mpy x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;b'=tmp0_/2
addl a,b y:(r5)+n5,y1 ;b=b'*2+a=b+a=e0 >>>0.5
subl b,a b,x:(r0)+ ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b=e7
tfr y0,a a,x:(r1)-
mac x1,y1,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> -0.5
mac -x1,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> -1
sub y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> -0.5
mac -x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp1/2 >>> 1.73/2
asl a (r5)+n5 ;a=tmp0 >>> 0
mpy x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> -1.73/2
mac -x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> -1.73/2
mac -x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;b'=tmp1_/2 ;;;
addl a,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y1 ;b=b'*2+a=b+a=e1
subl b,a b,x:(r0)+ ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b=e6
tfr y0,a a,x:(r1)-
mac x0,y1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> 0.5
mac x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp2/2
asl a ;a=tmp2
mpy x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;b'=tmp2_/2 ;;;
addl a,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y1 ;b=b'*2+a=b+a=e2
subl b,a b,x:(r0)+ ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b=e5
tfr y0,a a,x:(r1)-
mac x0,y1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;>>> 0.5
mac x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp3/2
asl a #<18,n0 ;!; ;a=tmp3
mpy x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;b'=tmp3_/2 ;;;
addl a,b y:(r5)+n5,y1 ;b=b'*2+a=b+a=e3
subl b,a b,x:(r0) ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b=e4
tfr y0,a a,x:(r1)-
sub y1,a y:(r5)+n5,y0
add y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0
sub y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0
add y0,a (r5)-
move a,x:(r1) y:(r5)+n5,y0
;-- 3. 9pts idct/butterflies/twiddle factors for odd indices,
; and 36pts idct twiddle factors
tfr y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y1
mac x0,y1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> 0.5
mac x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp0o/2
asl a x:synth_imfct_p,r0 ;!; ;a=tmp0o
mpy x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b (r0)+n0 ;!;r0=&o0 ;b'=tmp0_o/2
addl a,b n1,n0 ;!; ;b=b'*2+a=b+a
subl b,a #<9-1,n1 ;!; ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b
rnd b r0,r1 ;!;
rnd a x:(r2)+,x0 b,y1
mpyr x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x0 a,y1 ;(a+b)*0.501..=o0
mpy x0,y1,a b,y:(r0)+ ;;y:<o0 ;(a-b)*5.736/8
asl a (r1)+n1 ;!;r1=&o7
asl a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> 1
asl a y:(r5)+n5,y1 ;;; >>> 0.5
rnd a n0,n1 ;!; ;*8=o7
tfr y0,a a,y:(r1)- ;;y:<o7
mac x1,y1,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> -0.5
mac -x1,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> -1
sub y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> -0.5
mac -x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp1o/2 >>> 1.73/2
asl a (r5)+n5 ;a=tmp1o >>> 0
mpy x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> -1.73/2
mac -x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> -1.73/2
mac -x0,y0,b ;b'=tmp1_o/2
addl a,b x:(r2)+,x0 ;b=b'*2+a=b+a
subl b,a b,y1 ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b
mpyr x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x0 a,y1 ;(a+b)*0.517..=o1
mpy x0,y1,a b,y:(r0)+ ;;y:<o1 ;(a-b)*1.931/2
asl a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> 1
rnd a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y1 ;*2=o6 >>> -0.34/2
tfr y0,a a,y:(r1)- ;;y:<o6
mac x0,y1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> -1.87/2
mac x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> 0.5
mac x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp2o/2
asl a ;a=tmp2o
mpy x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b ;b'=tmp2_o/2
addl a,b x:(r2)+,x0 ;b=b'*2+a=b+a
subl b,a b,y1 ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b
mpyr x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x0 a,y1 ;(a+b)*0.551..=o2
mpy x0,y1,a b,y:(r0)+ ;;y:<o2 ;(a-b)*1.183/2
asl a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> 1
rnd a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y1 ;*2=o5 >>> -1.53/2
tfr y0,a a,y:(r1)- ;;y:<o5
mac x0,y1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> 0.34/2
mac x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;; >>> 0.5
mac x1,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;a'=tmp3o/2
asl a ;a=tmp3o
mpy x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,b x:synth_imfct_p,r4 ;!; ;b'=tmp3_o/2
addl a,b x:(r2)+,x0 ;b=b'*2+a=b+a
subl b,a b,y1 ;a=a*2-b=2*a-(b+a)=a-b
mpyr x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x0 a,y1 ;(a+b)*0.610..=o3
mpyr x0,y1,a b,y:(r0) ;;y:<o3 ;(a-b)*0.871=o4
move a,y:(r1)- ;;y:<o4
move x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;compute tmp4o
mpy x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;;
mac -x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;;
mac x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;;
mac -x0,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0 ;;;
movec m7,m5 ;restore linear addressing
mac x0,y0,a #<18,n5 ;!;
asl a r4,r5 ;!;
rnd a r4,r0 ;!; ;a*2=tmp4o
move x:(r2),r2 ;imdct_l_tab2_p
move x:(r5)+n5,a a,y:(r1) ;;y:<o3b
; ;!; update r5
;-- 4. 18pts idct
; ;r4=tmp ;r0=e0 ;r5=o0 ;r2=first coefficient
move x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0 ;x0=-0.250.. | y0=o0
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x1
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0
do #8,imdct_l_tmp0_8
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r0)+,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0 ;a=tmp[1], tmp[2], ...
move x:(r0)-,x1 y:(r5)-,y0 ;update r0, r5
move (r5)-
move y:(r5)-,y0
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[9]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[10]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[11]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[12]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[13]/2
asl a ;a=tmp[13]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[14]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[15]/2
asl a ;a=tmp[15]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
macr x0,x1,a x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0 ;a=tmp[16]/2
asl a #<8,n5 ;!;#<8,n5 ;a=tmp[16]
mpy -x0,y0,a x:(r0)-,x1 a,y:(r4)+
mac x0,x1,a r7,r0 ;!;&xr[sb] ;a=tmp[17]/8
asl a n7,r1 ;!;&win
asl a r4,r5
asl a ;a=tmp[17]
rnd a (r5)-n5 ;!;&tmp[9]
move a,y:(r4)
move n6,r4 ;!;&prev
;-- 5. shift to imdct and save final result
; ;r5=&tmp[9] ;r4=&prev[sb] ;r1=&win[blocktype] ;r0=&xr[sb]
; ;... a.k.a. ... s[sb][0] ... t_win[type][0] ... res[sb]
move x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0
move y:(r4)+,a
macr -x0,y0,a y:(r4)+,b
jclr #0,n2,imdct_l_even ;even or odd subband?
do #4,imdct_l_odd_final
neg b x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0
macr x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,a
move x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0
macr -x0,y0,a b,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,b
move (r5)-
do #5,imdct_l_odd_final2
move x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
macr x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,a
neg b x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
macr x0,y0,a b,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,b
jmp imdct_l_upd_prev
do #4,imdct_l_even_final
move x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0
macr -x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,a
move x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0
macr -x0,y0,a b,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,b
move (r5)-
do #5,imdct_l_even_final2
move x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
macr x0,y0,b a,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,a
move x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
macr x0,y0,a b,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,b
;-- 6. update 'prev' for next imdct
move n6,r4
do #9,imdct_l_upd_prev1
mpyr x0,y0,a x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)-,y0
move a,y:(r4)+
move (r5)+
move (r5)+
move y:(r5)+,y0
do #9,imdct_l_upd_prev2
mpyr x0,y0,a x:(r1)+,x0 y:(r5)+,y0
move a,y:(r4)+
move r0,r7 ;update xr pointer
move r4,n6 ;update prev pointer
bchg #0,n2 ;toggle subband (even/odd)
; ;n1=lim ;r7=xr(in/out) ;n6=prev ;n2=sb&1
;****** IMDCT for SHORT bands
clr a n1,x0 ;lim
move #<32,a1
sub x0,a r7,n7 ;n7=xr !! n7
jle imdct_s_loop0 ;--> skip ( because lim>=32 )
do a,imdct_s_loop0
;-- 1. clear the out table
clr a x:synth_imfct_p,r0
move #<36-6,n0
rep #36
move a,y:(r0)+
lua (r0)-n0,r6 ;r6=&out[6]
move #<40-36,n0
move n7,r1 ;r1=xr (input)
move #<3,n1
lua (r0)+n0,r5 ;r5=&in[0] (align 8!!)
movec #<6-1,m5 ;(modulo-6 addressing)
do #3,imdct_s_next ;three imdct to do
;-- 2. input aliasing for 36/18 pts idct
move x:(r1)+n1,a
move x:(r1)+n1,x0 a,y0
add x0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 a,y:(r5)+
sub y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x1 a,y:(r5)+
add x0,a x0,y1
add y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 a,y:(r5)+
add x1,a x1,b
add x0,b x:(r1)+n1,x1 a,y:(r5)+
add y1,b b,y:(r5)+
add x1,b #<2,n5
move b,y:(r5)+
movec #<6-1,m4 ;(modulo-6 addressing)
move r5,r4 ;r4=odd adresses...
move #<2,n4
move (r4)+
move #>imdct_s_tab,r2 ;r2=imdct coefficients
move #<5,n3 ;!;
move r6,r3 ;!;
;-- 3. 3pts/6pts idct with twiddle factor for odd indices,
; and output butterflies for 2*3 pts = 6 pts idct
move y:(r4)+n4,y0
tfr y0,b x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+n4,y1 ;>>> 0.866
mac x1,y1,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r4)+n4,y0 ;>>> 0.5
macr x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0
tfr y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x1,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 b,y0 ;>>> 0.517
mpy x0,y0,b y:(r4)+n4,y0
add a,b (r4)+n4 ;>>> 0
subl b,a r6,r0 ;!;&tmp0b
rnd b (r3)+n3 ;!;&tmp5b
rnd a b,x:(r0)+ ;!;y:<tmp0b
tfr y0,b a,x:(r3)- ;!;y:<tmp5b
move y:(r4)+n4,y0 ;>>> -1
sub y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0
tfr y0,a (r5)+n5
move y:(r5)+n5,y0
sub y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 b,y0 ;>>> 0.707
mpy x0,y0,b y:(r4)+n4,y0
add a,b y:(r4)+n4,y1 ;>>> -0.866
subl b,a #<18-1,n1
rnd b #<2,n0 ;!;
rnd a b,x:(r0)+ ;!;y:<tmp1b
tfr y0,b a,x:(r3) ;!;y:<tmp4b
mac -x1,y1,b x:(r2)+,x0 y:(r4)+n4,y0 ;>>> 0.5
macr x0,y0,b y:(r5)+n5,y0
tfr y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac -x1,y0,a y:(r5)+n5,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r2)+,x0 b,y0 ;>>> 1.93/2
mpy x0,y0,b x:(r3)+,y0 ;!;y:<tmp4b
addl a,b #<5,n4
subl b,a r6,r4 ;x:<out_adr
move r6,r7
movec m7,m4 ;(linear addressing)
rnd b x:(r3)-,y1 ;!;y:<tmp5b
rnd a b,x:(r0)-n0 ;!;y:<tmp2b
move x:(r2),r2 ;imdct_s_tab2_p
move a,x0 ;!;y:<tmp3b
;-- 4. twiddle factors, shift to 12pts imdct and multiply by window type 2
; ;r4=&out[ss+6]; n4=-2 ;r2=first coefficient
move x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,a
macr x1,x0,a x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,b
move a,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
macr x1,y0,b x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0
mpyr x1,y1,a b,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
asl a (r1)-n1
asl a #<3,n1
add y0,a x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y0
mpyr x1,y1,b a,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
asl b
asl b x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,y1
add y0,b x:(r3),y0 ;!;y:<tmp4b
mpyr x1,y0,a b,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
asl a x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,b
add y1,a x:(r0)+,y1 ;!;y:<tmp0b
macr x1,x0,b a,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
move x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,a
move x:(r0)+,y0 ;!;y:<tmp1b
move x:(r0),x0 ;!;y:<tmp2b
macr x1,x0,a b,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
move x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,b
macr x1,y0,b a,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
move x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,a
macr x1,y1,a b,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
move x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,b
macr x1,y1,b a,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
move x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)+,a
macr x1,y0,a b,y:(r7)+ ;;;(r4+n4)
move x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r4)-,b
macr x1,x0,b a,y:(r4)+
move b,y:(r4)-n4
move r4,r6
;-- 5- compute final result for polyphase filter
movec m7,m5 ;(linear addressing)
move n7,r0 ;r0=x:xr[sb]
move x:synth_imfct_p,r5 ;r5=y:out[0]
move n6,r4 ;r4=y:prev[sb][0]
move y:(r5)+,y0
jclr #0,n2,imdct_s_even ;even or odd subband?
move y:(r4)+,b
add y0,b y:(r4)+,a
move b,x:(r0)+ y:(r5)+,y1
add y1,a y:(r4)+,b
neg a y:(r5)+,y0
do #8,imdct_s_odd_final
add y0,b a,x:(r0)+ y:(r4)+,a
move b,x:(r0)+ y:(r5)+,y1
add y1,a y:(r4)+,b
neg a y:(r5)+,y0
move a,x:(r0)+ y:(r5)-,y0
move n6,r4
do #18,imdct_s_upd_prev
move y:(r5)+,y0
move y0,y:(r4)+
jmp imdct_s_even_final
move #<17,n5
move y:(r4),b
do #18,imdct_s_even_final
add y0,b y:(r5+n5),y0
move b,x:(r0)+ y0,y:(r4)+
move y:(r4),b
move y:(r5)+,y0
move r0,n7 ;update xr pointer
move r4,n6 ;update prev pointer
bchg #0,n2 ;toggle subband (even/odd)
;*** synthesis (polyphase filter)
move x:outbuf,r1
move r1,x:synth_out_p
move x:xr_p,r0
move #<$02,a ;1<<17 = %00000010.00000000.00000000
move a,x:synth_count18
move r0,x:synth_in_p
move x:synth_imfct_p,n7 ; !! n7
; ** first butterfly pass
move #<18,n0
move n7,r1 ;x:synth_imfct_p
move n7,r5
move #$39ED1A,y0 ;cos(pi/4) * 1.28/2 = 0.452548339959390415616540391747103
ori #$08,mr ;SCALE UP mode
move x:(r0)+n0,x0
do #8,synth_bfy1
mpyr x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0
mpyr -x0,y0,a a,x:(r1)+ a,y:(r5)+
move a,x:(r1)+
mpyr x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0
mpyr -x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 a,y:(r5)+
mpyr x0,y0,a a,x:(r1)+ a,y:(r5)+
mpyr -x0,y0,a a,x:(r1)+
move x:(r0)+n0,x0 a,y:(r5)+
andi #$f3,mr ;NO SCALING mode
; ** second butterfly pass
clr b n7,a ;x:synth_imfct_p
move #<16,b1
add b,a a,r0
add b,a a,r4
add b,a a,r6
move a,r5
lua (r0)+,r7
move x:(r0),b y:(r4),y0
do #16,synth_bfy2
add y0,b x:(r4),x1 y:(r0),a
sub x1,a b,x:(r5) y:(r0),b
add x1,b x:(r0),a a,y:(r5)+
sub y0,a x:(r0),b b,y:(r6)
sub x1,b a,x:(r6)+ y:(r0),a
sub y0,a b,x:(r4) y:(r0),b
add y0,b x:(r0),a a,y:(r4)+
add x1,a x:(r7)+,b b,y:(r0) ;!b
move a,x:(r0)+ y:(r4),y0 ;!y0
ori #$08,mr ;SCALE UP mode
;this nice feature allows us to automatically scale up the samples during
;the next processing steps, so we can save the ASL's in the final loop which
;writes PCM samples to the output buffer (we need to shift left by 6 bits)
; ** perform the rest of the butterfly passes
move x:synth_tab_rsincosx_p,n6 ;x:synth_tab_rsincosx_p !! n6
move n7,r0 ;x:synth_imfct_p
movec #<64-1,m0 ;modulo-64 addressing
movec #<64-1,m4 ;modulo-64 addressing
; ** pass 3 - SCALE UP (1/6)
move n6,r6 ;x:synth_tab_rsincosx_p
move #<8,n0
move #<8,n4
move r0,r4
do #4,synth_grp3
lua (r0)+n0,r5
move r5,r2
move x:(r6),x0
move x:(r0),b y:(r5),y1
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r6)+,y0
do #8,synth_bfy3
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+,b
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1
macr x0,x1,b y:(r0),a
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x1 a,y:(r5)+
move x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+n4,y0 ;update r0, r4
movec #<64-1,m2 ;modulo-64 addressing
movec #<64-1,m5 ;modulo-64 addressing
; ** pass 4 - SCALE UP (2/6)
move n6,r6 ;x:synth_tab_rsincosx_p
move #<4+0,n0
move #<4+1,n2
move #<4+1,n4
move #<4+1,n5
lua (r0)+n0,r5
move r5,r2
move x:(r6),x0
move x:(r0),b y:(r5),y1
do #8,synth_grp4
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r6)+,y0
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+,b
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1
macr x0,x1,b y:(r0),a
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x1 a,y:(r5)+
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+,b
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1
macr x0,x1,b y:(r0),a
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x1 a,y:(r5)+
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+,b
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1
macr x0,x1,b y:(r0),a
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+n2,x1 a,y:(r5)+ ;update r2
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+n4,b ;update r4
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1 ;!y1
macr x0,x1,b x:(r6),x0 y:(r0),a ;!x0
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+ ;!b
move x:(r0)+n0,a a,y:(r5)+n5 ;update r0, r5
; ** pass 5 - SCALE UP (3/6)
move n6,r6 ;x:synth_tab_rsincosx_p
move #<2+0,n0
move #<2+1,n2
move #<2+1,n4
move #<2+1,n5
lua (r0)+n0,r5
move r5,r2
move x:(r6),x0
move x:(r0),b y:(r5),y1
do #16,synth_grp5
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+,x1 y:(r6)+,y0
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+,b
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1
macr x0,x1,b y:(r0),a
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+n2,x1 a,y:(r5)+ ;update r2
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+n4,b ;update r4
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1 ;!y1
macr x0,x1,b x:(r6),x0 y:(r0),a ;!x0
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+ ;!b
move x:(r0)+n0,a a,y:(r5)+n5 ;update r0, r5
; ** pass 6 - SCALE UP (4/6)
move n6,r6 ;x:synth_tab_rsincosx_p
move #<1+1,n2
move #<1+1,n4
move #<1+1,n5
lua (r0)+,r5
move r5,r2
move x:(r6),x0
move x:(r0),b y:(r5),y1
do #32,synth_grp6
mac -x0,y1,b x:(r2)+n2,x1 y:(r6)+,y0 ;update r2
macr y0,x1,b x:(r0),a
subl b,a b,x:(r0) y:(r4)+n4,b ;update r4
mac y0,y1,b a,x:(r5) y:(r2),y1 ;!y1
macr x0,x1,b x:(r6),x0 y:(r0),a ;!x0
subl b,a x:(r4),b b,y:(r0)+ ;!b
move x:(r0)+,a a,y:(r5)+n5 ;update r0, r5
movec m7,m2 ;linear addressing
movec m7,m4 ;linear addressing
movec m7,m5 ;linear addressing
; ** unscrambling and final adjustments - SCALE UP (5/6)
move x:synth_audio_pp,r5
move #>synth_tab_cosx,r4
move #>synth_tab_sinx,r6
move x:(r5),r5
movec #<0,m0 ;bit-reverse addressing
move #<32,n0
move x:(r0),x1 y:(r4)+,y1
mpy y1,x1,a y:(r6)+,y0
move y:(r0)+n0,y1
macr -y0,y1,a x:(r0),x1 y:(r4)+,y1
move y:(r6)+,y0
;------ move #synth_unscramble,r7
;------ jmp <synth_unscramble_start
do #64-1,synth_unscramble
mpy y1,x1,a a,x:(r5)+ y:(r0)+n0,y1
macr -y0,y1,a x:(r0),x1 y:(r4)+,y1
move y:(r6)+,y0
;------ 5+1 words, return: jmp (r7)
move a,x:(r5)+
; ** window audio data - output PCM samples - SCALE UP (6/6)
move x:synth_out_p,r6
move x:channel_counter,b
move x:channels,x0
sub x0,b n7,r5 ;x:synth_imfct_p
teq b,a r6,r5 ;outbuf (x:-mem, left ch.)
move x:synth_audio_pp,r0
movec #1024-1,m0 ;modulo addressing
movec m0,m1 ;modulo addressing
move x:(r0),r0
move #<96,n0
move #>synth_tab_window,r4
lua (r0)+n0,r1
move x:synth_window_p,r3
move #<128,n0
move #<128,n1
jsr (r3) ;write to left channel (or tmp)
andi #$f3,mr ;NO SCALING mode
tst b n7,r3 ;x:synth_imfct_p
jeq synth_out_done
move r6,r5 ;outbuf (y:-mem, right ch.)
move x:(r3)+,a
rep #32 ;(copy from tmp)
move x:(r3)+,a a,y:(r5)+ ;write to right channel
move r5,x:synth_out_p
; ** update audio buffer pointer
move x:synth_audio_pp,r1
move #<64,n0
move x:(r1),r0
movec m7,m1 ;linear addressing
move (r0)-n0
movec m7,m0 ;linear addressing
move r0,x:(r1)
; ** loop 18 times
move x:synth_in_p,r0
move x:synth_count18,a
lsr a (r0)+
jne synth_loop18_head
move x:si_tab_p,r0
move #>xr1,r1
move #>hybrid_prev1,r2
move #>synth_audio_r_p,r3
clr b y:forcemono,x0
cmp x0,b x:channel_counter,a
tne b,a
lsr a (r0)+
jne hybrid_synth_channel_loop ;next channel
;****** for(ch=0;ch<stereo;ch++) ;end************************
move x:outbuf,r1
move #576,n1
move #>si_tab+2,r0
move #>granule1_sfsi,n0
move (r1)+n1
move x:granule_counter,a
tst a #<1,a
jeq decode_granule_loop ;decode second granule
;****** for(gr=0;gr<ngr;gr++) ;end************************
; do #500,overload0
; do #1000,overload1
; nop
; nop
move #<0,x0
move x0,y:busy ;clear BUSY
rts ;it's done.
do #32,synth_window
move x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mpy x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r0)+n0,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
mac x0,y0,a x:(r1)+n1,x0 y:(r4)+,y0
macr x0,y0,a (r0)+
move a,x:(r5)+ y:(r1)+,a ;update r1
; ** 21 words
clr b r7,x:getbits_stream
move b,x:getbits_count
move #<$80,b ;end marker
move b,x:getbits_temp
move x:getbits_p,r5 ;getbits(n7) -> jsr (r5)
clr b x:getbit1_p,r6 ;getbit1() -> jsr (r6)
move x:getbits_stream,r7 ;!! DO NOT TOUCH !!
move x:getbits_temp,b1 ;!! DO NOT TOUCH !!
move x:getbits_count,b0 ;!! DO NOT TOUCH !!
move r7,x:getbits_stream
move b1,x:getbits_temp
move b0,x:getbits_count
do n7,getbits_loop ;n7=number_of_bits
inc b ;b0=b0+1 (increment bit counter)
lsl b ;b1=b1<<1 (new CARRY bit)
jne getbits_ne
move x:(r7)+,b1 ;fetch next 24 bits
rol b ;b1=b1<<1, append end marker
rol a ;get CARRY bit, set condition code ZERO
inc b ;b0=b0+1 (increment bit counter)
lsl b #<0,a ;b1=b1<<1 (new CARRY bit)
jne getbit1_ne
move x:(r7)+,b1 ;fetch next 24 bits
rol b ;b1=b1<<1, append end marker
rol a ;get CARRY bit, set condition code ZERO
;*** initialize
; parameters
; x1 - mem_mp3 (64+32+30=126 words in INTERNAL L-memory)
; x0 - mem_mp3p (21+6=27 words in INTERNAL P-memory)
; y1 - freq_idx (0, 1 or 2 - extracted from frame header)
; y0 - /
clr b
;********* hybrid filter + synthesis: fast L-data buffer
;********* (64 words - major speedup!!)
tfr x1,a #<64,b1
tst a #>synth_tab_rsinxrcosx,r0
jeq init_no_lmem
add b,a a,x:synth_imfct_p
;********* synthesis: rsinx_rcosx table to fast L-data memory
;********* (32 words - little speedup)
move a,x:synth_tab_rsincosx_p
move a,r4
move x:(r0),a
do #32,init_loop_l0
move a,x:(r4) y:(r0)+,a
move x:(r0),a a,y:(r4)+
;********* hybrid filter: imdct_l_tab2 to fast X-data memory
;********* (18 words - tiny speedup)
move #>imdct_l_tab2_p,r0
move r4,r1 ;r1=32 words fast Y-mem pointer
move r4,x:(r0)+
move #>imdct_s_tab2_p,r2 ;next...
do #18,init_loop_l1
move x:(r0)+,a
move a,x:(r4)+
;********* hybrid filter: imdct_s_tab2 to fast X-data memory
;********* (12 words - tiny speedup)
move r4,x:(r2)+
move #>cs_ca_tab_p,r0 ;next...
do #12,init_loop_l2
move x:(r2)+,a
move a,x:(r4)+
;********* hybrid filter: cs_ca_tab to fast Y-data memory
;********* (16 words - tiny speedup)
move x:(r0),r2
move r1,x:(r0)
do #16,init_loop_l3 ;14 words Y-mem remain unused...
move y:(r2)+,a
move a,y:(r1)+
tfr x0,a #synth_window_start,r0
tst a x0,r1
jeq init_no_pmem
;********* synthesis: window loop to fast program memory
;********* (21 words - major speedup!!)
move x0,x:synth_window_p
lua (r1)+,r2
do #synth_window_end-synth_window_start,init_loop_p0
movem p:(r0)+,x1
movem x1,p:(r1)+
tfr x0,a #>synth_window-synth_window_start-1,x0
add x0,a #>synth_unscramble_start,r0
movem a,p:(r2)
;********* synthesis: unscramble loop to fast program memory
;********* (6 words - tiny speedup)
move r1,a
tfr a,b r0,r2
movem p:(r0)+,x1
movem x1,p:(r1)+ ;copy first word of 'do'
move #>synth_unscramble-synth_unscramble_start-1,x0
add x0,a (r0)+
movem a,p:(r1)+ ;second word of 'do' (absolute address)
do #synth_unscramble-synth_unscramble_start-2,init_loop_p1
movem p:(r0)+,x1
movem x1,p:(r1)+ ;copy the rest
move #>synth_unscramble_help,r3
move #>$0c0000,y0 ;short jump 'jmp xxx'
movem p:(r3)+,x1
movem x1,p:(r1)+ ;copy 'jmp (r7)'
movem p:(r3)+,x1
movem x1,p:(r2)+
movem p:(r3),x1
movem x1,p:(r2)+ ;copy 'move #synth_unscramble,r7'
or y0,b
movem b,p:(r2) ;short jump 'jmp <synth_unscramble_start'
;****** select scalefactor_band tables (using freq_idx)
move y1,n0 ;freq_idx
move #>sfbands_tab,r0
move x:(r0+n0),a
move #>sfbandl_tab,r0
move a,x:sfbands_p
move a,r1
move x:(r0+n0),a
move a,x:sfbandl_p
move #<0,x0
jmp (r7)
move #synth_unscramble,r7
org x:
align 1024
ds 2048
ds 662 ;(33+512+1440)/3
; dc "***xr0***"
xr0 ds 576
; dc "***xr1***"
dc 1,1,1 ;safety (for INTENSITY STEREO)
xr1 ds 576
; dc "***xr.***"
xr_p ds 1
xr_zero_p ds 1
; dc "***getbit***"
getbits_p dc getbits__
getbit1_p dc getbit1__
getbits_stream ds 1
getbits_temp ds 1
getbits_count ds 1
mono ds 1
channels ds 1
modext ds 1
; dc "************ is ************"
x_is_nonzero dc 0
sfsi_p ds 1
granule0_sfsi ds 4*2 ;always zero
; dc "***sfsi01***"
granule1_sfsi ds 4*2 ;4 values for each channel
si_granule_tab_p ds 1
si_tab_p ds 1
si_tab dc si0,si1,si2,si3
; dc "***si0***"
grstart ds 1
grend ds 1
regionend2 ds 1
globalgain ds 1
sfcompress ds 1
blocktype ds 1
mixedblock ds 1
tabsel0 ds 1
tabsel1 ds 1
tabsel2 ds 1
subblockgain0 ds 1
subblockgain1 ds 1
subblockgain2 ds 1
regionend0 ds 1
regionend1 ds 1
preflag ds 1
sfshift ds 1
tabsel3 ds 1
; dc "***si1***"
si1 ds 18
; dc "***si2***"
si2 ds 18
; dc "***si3***"
si3 ds 18
; dc "***si.***"
granule_counter ds 1
channel_counter ds 1
outbuf ds 1
scalefac_p ds 1
; dc "***sf0***"
scalefac0 ds 39
; dc "***sf1***"
scalefac1 ds 39
; dc "***sf.***"
prev_p ds 1
synth_in_p ds 1
synth_out_p ds 1
; dc "**synth**"
synth_audio_l_p dc synth_audio
synth_audio_r_p dc synth_audio+1024
synth_audio_pp ds 1
synth_count18 ds 1
synth_imfct_p dc synth_imfct_slow
synth_window_p dc synth_window_start
synth_tab_rsincosx_p dc synth_tab_rsinxrcosx
dc 0
dc -5, -3, -1, 17, 1, 16, 0
dc -15, -11, -9, -5, -3, -1, 34, 2, 18, -1, 33, 32, 17, -1, 1
dc 16, 0
dc -13, -11, -9, -5, -3, -1, 34, 2, 18, -1, 33, 32, 16, 17, -1
dc 1, 0
dc -29, -25, -23, -15, -7, -5, -3, -1, 51, 35, 50, 49, -3, -1, 19
dc 3, -1, 48, 34, -3, -1, 18, 33, -1, 2, 32, 17, -1, 1, 16
dc 0
dc -25, -19, -13, -9, -5, -3, -1, 51, 3, 35, -1, 50, 48, -1, 19
dc 49, -3, -1, 34, 2, 18, -3, -1, 33, 32, 1, -1, 17, -1, 16
dc 0
dc -69, -65, -57, -39, -29, -17, -11, -7, -3, -1, 85, 69, -1, 84, 83
dc -1, 53, 68, -3, -1, 37, 82, 21, -5, -1, 81, -1, 5, 52, -1
dc 80, -1, 67, 51, -5, -3, -1, 36, 66, 20, -1, 65, 64, -11, -7
dc -3, -1, 4, 35, -1, 50, 3, -1, 19, 49, -3, -1, 48, 34, 18
dc -5, -1, 33, -1, 2, 32, 17, -1, 1, 16, 0
dc -65, -63, -59, -45, -31, -19, -13, -7, -5, -3, -1, 85, 84, 69, 83
dc -3, -1, 53, 68, 37, -3, -1, 82, 5, 21, -5, -1, 81, -1, 52
dc 67, -3, -1, 80, 51, 36, -5, -3, -1, 66, 20, 65, -3, -1, 4
dc 64, -1, 35, 50, -9, -7, -3, -1, 19, 49, -1, 3, 48, 34, -1
dc 2, 32, -1, 18, 33, 17, -3, -1, 1, 16, 0
dc -63, -53, -41, -29, -19, -11, -5, -3, -1, 85, 69, 53, -1, 83, -1
dc 84, 5, -3, -1, 68, 37, -1, 82, 21, -3, -1, 81, 52, -1, 67
dc -1, 80, 4, -7, -3, -1, 36, 66, -1, 51, 64, -1, 20, 65, -5
dc -3, -1, 35, 50, 19, -1, 49, -1, 3, 48, -5, -3, -1, 34, 2
dc 18, -1, 33, 32, -3, -1, 17, 1, -1, 16, 0
dc -125,-121,-111, -83, -55, -35, -21, -13, -7, -3, -1, 119, 103, -1, 118
dc 87, -3, -1, 117, 102, 71, -3, -1, 116, 86, -1, 101, 55, -9, -3
dc -1, 115, 70, -3, -1, 85, 84, 99, -1, 39, 114, -11, -5, -3, -1
dc 100, 7, 112, -1, 98, -1, 69, 53, -5, -1, 6, -1, 83, 68, 23
dc -17, -5, -1, 113, -1, 54, 38, -5, -3, -1, 37, 82, 21, -1, 81
dc -1, 52, 67, -3, -1, 22, 97, -1, 96, -1, 5, 80, -19, -11, -7
dc -3, -1, 36, 66, -1, 51, 4, -1, 20, 65, -3, -1, 64, 35, -1
dc 50, 3, -3, -1, 19, 49, -1, 48, 34, -7, -3, -1, 18, 33, -1
dc 2, 32, 17, -1, 1, 16, 0
dc -121,-113, -89, -59, -43, -27, -17, -7, -3, -1, 119, 103, -1, 118, 117
dc -3, -1, 102, 71, -1, 116, -1, 87, 85, -5, -3, -1, 86, 101, 55
dc -1, 115, 70, -9, -7, -3, -1, 69, 84, -1, 53, 83, 39, -1, 114
dc -1, 100, 7, -5, -1, 113, -1, 23, 112, -3, -1, 54, 99, -1, 96
dc -1, 68, 37, -13, -7, -5, -3, -1, 82, 5, 21, 98, -3, -1, 38
dc 6, 22, -5, -1, 97, -1, 81, 52, -5, -1, 80, -1, 67, 51, -1
dc 36, 66, -15, -11, -7, -3, -1, 20, 65, -1, 4, 64, -1, 35, 50
dc -1, 19, 49, -5, -3, -1, 3, 48, 34, 33, -5, -1, 18, -1, 2
dc 32, 17, -3, -1, 1, 16, 0
dc -115, -99, -73, -45, -27, -17, -9, -5, -3, -1, 119, 103, 118, -1, 87
dc 117, -3, -1, 102, 71, -1, 116, 101, -3, -1, 86, 55, -3, -1, 115
dc 85, 39, -7, -3, -1, 114, 70, -1, 100, 23, -5, -1, 113, -1, 7
dc 112, -1, 54, 99, -13, -9, -3, -1, 69, 84, -1, 68, -1, 6, 5
dc -1, 38, 98, -5, -1, 97, -1, 22, 96, -3, -1, 53, 83, -1, 37
dc 82, -17, -7, -3, -1, 21, 81, -1, 52, 67, -5, -3, -1, 80, 4
dc 36, -1, 66, 20, -3, -1, 51, 65, -1, 35, 50, -11, -7, -5, -3
dc -1, 64, 3, 48, 19, -1, 49, 34, -1, 18, 33, -7, -5, -3, -1
dc 2, 32, 0, 17, -1, 1, 16, 0
dc -509,-503,-475,-405,-333,-265,-205,-153,-115, -83, -53, -35, -21, -13, -9
dc -7, -5, -3, -1, 254, 252, 253, 237, 255, -1, 239, 223, -3, -1, 238
dc 207, -1, 222, 191, -9, -3, -1, 251, 206, -1, 220, -1, 175, 233, -1
dc 236, 221, -9, -5, -3, -1, 250, 205, 190, -1, 235, 159, -3, -1, 249
dc 234, -1, 189, 219, -17, -9, -3, -1, 143, 248, -1, 204, -1, 174, 158
dc -5, -1, 142, -1, 127, 126, 247, -5, -1, 218, -1, 173, 188, -3, -1
dc 203, 246, 111, -15, -7, -3, -1, 232, 95, -1, 157, 217, -3, -1, 245
dc 231, -1, 172, 187, -9, -3, -1, 79, 244, -3, -1, 202, 230, 243, -1
dc 63, -1, 141, 216, -21, -9, -3, -1, 47, 242, -3, -1, 110, 156, 15
dc -5, -3, -1, 201, 94, 171, -3, -1, 125, 215, 78, -11, -5, -3, -1
dc 200, 214, 62, -1, 185, -1, 155, 170, -1, 31, 241, -23, -13, -5, -1
dc 240, -1, 186, 229, -3, -1, 228, 140, -1, 109, 227, -5, -1, 226, -1
dc 46, 14, -1, 30, 225, -15, -7, -3, -1, 224, 93, -1, 213, 124, -3
dc -1, 199, 77, -1, 139, 184, -7, -3, -1, 212, 154, -1, 169, 108, -1
dc 198, 61, -37, -21, -9, -5, -3, -1, 211, 123, 45, -1, 210, 29, -5
dc -1, 183, -1, 92, 197, -3, -1, 153, 122, 195, -7, -5, -3, -1, 167
dc 151, 75, 209, -3, -1, 13, 208, -1, 138, 168, -11, -7, -3, -1, 76
dc 196, -1, 107, 182, -1, 60, 44, -3, -1, 194, 91, -3, -1, 181, 137
dc 28, -43, -23, -11, -5, -1, 193, -1, 152, 12, -1, 192, -1, 180, 106
dc -5, -3, -1, 166, 121, 59, -1, 179, -1, 136, 90, -11, -5, -1, 43
dc -1, 165, 105, -1, 164, -1, 120, 135, -5, -1, 148, -1, 119, 118, 178
dc -11, -3, -1, 27, 177, -3, -1, 11, 176, -1, 150, 74, -7, -3, -1
dc 58, 163, -1, 89, 149, -1, 42, 162, -47, -23, -9, -3, -1, 26, 161
dc -3, -1, 10, 104, 160, -5, -3, -1, 134, 73, 147, -3, -1, 57, 88
dc -1, 133, 103, -9, -3, -1, 41, 146, -3, -1, 87, 117, 56, -5, -1
dc 131, -1, 102, 71, -3, -1, 116, 86, -1, 101, 115, -11, -3, -1, 25
dc 145, -3, -1, 9, 144, -1, 72, 132, -7, -5, -1, 114, -1, 70, 100
dc 40, -1, 130, 24, -41, -27, -11, -5, -3, -1, 55, 39, 23, -1, 113
dc -1, 85, 7, -7, -3, -1, 112, 54, -1, 99, 69, -3, -1, 84, 38
dc -1, 98, 53, -5, -1, 129, -1, 8, 128, -3, -1, 22, 97, -1, 6
dc 96, -13, -9, -5, -3, -1, 83, 68, 37, -1, 82, 5, -1, 21, 81
dc -7, -3, -1, 52, 67, -1, 80, 36, -3, -1, 66, 51, 20, -19, -11
dc -5, -1, 65, -1, 4, 64, -3, -1, 35, 50, 19, -3, -1, 49, 3
dc -1, 48, 34, -3, -1, 18, 33, -1, 2, 32, -3, -1, 17, 1, 16
dc 0
dc -495,-445,-355,-263,-183,-115, -77, -43, -27, -13, -7, -3, -1, 255, 239
dc -1, 254, 223, -1, 238, -1, 253, 207, -7, -3, -1, 252, 222, -1, 237
dc 191, -1, 251, -1, 206, 236, -7, -3, -1, 221, 175, -1, 250, 190, -3
dc -1, 235, 205, -1, 220, 159, -15, -7, -3, -1, 249, 234, -1, 189, 219
dc -3, -1, 143, 248, -1, 204, 158, -7, -3, -1, 233, 127, -1, 247, 173
dc -3, -1, 218, 188, -1, 111, -1, 174, 15, -19, -11, -3, -1, 203, 246
dc -3, -1, 142, 232, -1, 95, 157, -3, -1, 245, 126, -1, 231, 172, -9
dc -3, -1, 202, 187, -3, -1, 217, 141, 79, -3, -1, 244, 63, -1, 243
dc 216, -33, -17, -9, -3, -1, 230, 47, -1, 242, -1, 110, 240, -3, -1
dc 31, 241, -1, 156, 201, -7, -3, -1, 94, 171, -1, 186, 229, -3, -1
dc 125, 215, -1, 78, 228, -15, -7, -3, -1, 140, 200, -1, 62, 109, -3
dc -1, 214, 227, -1, 155, 185, -7, -3, -1, 46, 170, -1, 226, 30, -5
dc -1, 225, -1, 14, 224, -1, 93, 213, -45, -25, -13, -7, -3, -1, 124
dc 199, -1, 77, 139, -1, 212, -1, 184, 154, -7, -3, -1, 169, 108, -1
dc 198, 61, -1, 211, 210, -9, -5, -3, -1, 45, 13, 29, -1, 123, 183
dc -5, -1, 209, -1, 92, 208, -1, 197, 138, -17, -7, -3, -1, 168, 76
dc -1, 196, 107, -5, -1, 182, -1, 153, 12, -1, 60, 195, -9, -3, -1
dc 122, 167, -1, 166, -1, 192, 11, -1, 194, -1, 44, 91, -55, -29, -15
dc -7, -3, -1, 181, 28, -1, 137, 152, -3, -1, 193, 75, -1, 180, 106
dc -5, -3, -1, 59, 121, 179, -3, -1, 151, 136, -1, 43, 90, -11, -5
dc -1, 178, -1, 165, 27, -1, 177, -1, 176, 105, -7, -3, -1, 150, 74
dc -1, 164, 120, -3, -1, 135, 58, 163, -17, -7, -3, -1, 89, 149, -1
dc 42, 162, -3, -1, 26, 161, -3, -1, 10, 160, 104, -7, -3, -1, 134
dc 73, -1, 148, 57, -5, -1, 147, -1, 119, 9, -1, 88, 133, -53, -29
dc -13, -7, -3, -1, 41, 103, -1, 118, 146, -1, 145, -1, 25, 144, -7
dc -3, -1, 72, 132, -1, 87, 117, -3, -1, 56, 131, -1, 102, 71, -7
dc -3, -1, 40, 130, -1, 24, 129, -7, -3, -1, 116, 8, -1, 128, 86
dc -3, -1, 101, 55, -1, 115, 70, -17, -7, -3, -1, 39, 114, -1, 100
dc 23, -3, -1, 85, 113, -3, -1, 7, 112, 54, -7, -3, -1, 99, 69
dc -1, 84, 38, -3, -1, 98, 22, -3, -1, 6, 96, 53, -33, -19, -9
dc -5, -1, 97, -1, 83, 68, -1, 37, 82, -3, -1, 21, 81, -3, -1
dc 5, 80, 52, -7, -3, -1, 67, 36, -1, 66, 51, -1, 65, -1, 20
dc 4, -9, -3, -1, 35, 50, -3, -1, 64, 3, 19, -3, -1, 49, 48
dc 34, -9, -7, -3, -1, 18, 33, -1, 2, 32, 17, -3, -1, 1, 16
dc 0
dc -509,-503,-461,-323,-103, -37, -27, -15, -7, -3, -1, 239, 254, -1, 223
dc 253, -3, -1, 207, 252, -1, 191, 251, -5, -1, 175, -1, 250, 159, -3
dc -1, 249, 248, 143, -7, -3, -1, 127, 247, -1, 111, 246, 255, -9, -5
dc -3, -1, 95, 245, 79, -1, 244, 243, -53, -1, 240, -1, 63, -29, -19
dc -13, -7, -5, -1, 206, -1, 236, 221, 222, -1, 233, -1, 234, 217, -1
dc 238, -1, 237, 235, -3, -1, 190, 205, -3, -1, 220, 219, 174, -11, -5
dc -1, 204, -1, 173, 218, -3, -1, 126, 172, 202, -5, -3, -1, 201, 125
dc 94, 189, 242, -93, -5, -3, -1, 47, 15, 31, -1, 241, -49, -25, -13
dc -5, -1, 158, -1, 188, 203, -3, -1, 142, 232, -1, 157, 231, -7, -3
dc -1, 187, 141, -1, 216, 110, -1, 230, 156, -13, -7, -3, -1, 171, 186
dc -1, 229, 215, -1, 78, -1, 228, 140, -3, -1, 200, 62, -1, 109, -1
dc 214, 155, -19, -11, -5, -3, -1, 185, 170, 225, -1, 212, -1, 184, 169
dc -5, -1, 123, -1, 183, 208, 227, -7, -3, -1, 14, 224, -1, 93, 213
dc -3, -1, 124, 199, -1, 77, 139, -75, -45, -27, -13, -7, -3, -1, 154
dc 108, -1, 198, 61, -3, -1, 92, 197, 13, -7, -3, -1, 138, 168, -1
dc 153, 76, -3, -1, 182, 122, 60, -11, -5, -3, -1, 91, 137, 28, -1
dc 192, -1, 152, 121, -1, 226, -1, 46, 30, -15, -7, -3, -1, 211, 45
dc -1, 210, 209, -5, -1, 59, -1, 151, 136, 29, -7, -3, -1, 196, 107
dc -1, 195, 167, -1, 44, -1, 194, 181, -23, -13, -7, -3, -1, 193, 12
dc -1, 75, 180, -3, -1, 106, 166, 179, -5, -3, -1, 90, 165, 43, -1
dc 178, 27, -13, -5, -1, 177, -1, 11, 176, -3, -1, 105, 150, -1, 74
dc 164, -5, -3, -1, 120, 135, 163, -3, -1, 58, 89, 42, -97, -57, -33
dc -19, -11, -5, -3, -1, 149, 104, 161, -3, -1, 134, 119, 148, -5, -3
dc -1, 73, 87, 103, 162, -5, -1, 26, -1, 10, 160, -3, -1, 57, 147
dc -1, 88, 133, -9, -3, -1, 41, 146, -3, -1, 118, 9, 25, -5, -1
dc 145, -1, 144, 72, -3, -1, 132, 117, -1, 56, 131, -21, -11, -5, -3
dc -1, 102, 40, 130, -3, -1, 71, 116, 24, -3, -1, 129, 128, -3, -1
dc 8, 86, 55, -9, -5, -1, 115, -1, 101, 70, -1, 39, 114, -5, -3
dc -1, 100, 85, 7, 23, -23, -13, -5, -1, 113, -1, 112, 54, -3, -1
dc 99, 69, -1, 84, 38, -3, -1, 98, 22, -1, 97, -1, 6, 96, -9
dc -5, -1, 83, -1, 53, 68, -1, 37, 82, -1, 81, -1, 21, 5, -33
dc -23, -13, -7, -3, -1, 52, 67, -1, 80, 36, -3, -1, 66, 51, 20
dc -5, -1, 65, -1, 4, 64, -1, 35, 50, -3, -1, 19, 49, -3, -1
dc 3, 48, 34, -3, -1, 18, 33, -1, 2, 32, -3, -1, 17, 1, 16
dc 0
dc -451,-117, -43, -25, -15, -7, -3, -1, 239, 254, -1, 223, 253, -3, -1
dc 207, 252, -1, 191, 251, -5, -1, 250, -1, 175, 159, -1, 249, 248, -9
dc -5, -3, -1, 143, 127, 247, -1, 111, 246, -3, -1, 95, 245, -1, 79
dc 244, -71, -7, -3, -1, 63, 243, -1, 47, 242, -5, -1, 241, -1, 31
dc 240, -25, -9, -1, 15, -3, -1, 238, 222, -1, 237, 206, -7, -3, -1
dc 236, 221, -1, 190, 235, -3, -1, 205, 220, -1, 174, 234, -15, -7, -3
dc -1, 189, 219, -1, 204, 158, -3, -1, 233, 173, -1, 218, 188, -7, -3
dc -1, 203, 142, -1, 232, 157, -3, -1, 217, 126, -1, 231, 172, 255,-235
dc -143, -77, -45, -25, -15, -7, -3, -1, 202, 187, -1, 141, 216, -5, -3
dc -1, 14, 224, 13, 230, -5, -3, -1, 110, 156, 201, -1, 94, 186, -9
dc -5, -1, 229, -1, 171, 125, -1, 215, 228, -3, -1, 140, 200, -3, -1
dc 78, 46, 62, -15, -7, -3, -1, 109, 214, -1, 227, 155, -3, -1, 185
dc 170, -1, 226, 30, -7, -3, -1, 225, 93, -1, 213, 124, -3, -1, 199
dc 77, -1, 139, 184, -31, -15, -7, -3, -1, 212, 154, -1, 169, 108, -3
dc -1, 198, 61, -1, 211, 45, -7, -3, -1, 210, 29, -1, 123, 183, -3
dc -1, 209, 92, -1, 197, 138, -17, -7, -3, -1, 168, 153, -1, 76, 196
dc -3, -1, 107, 182, -3, -1, 208, 12, 60, -7, -3, -1, 195, 122, -1
dc 167, 44, -3, -1, 194, 91, -1, 181, 28, -57, -35, -19, -7, -3, -1
dc 137, 152, -1, 193, 75, -5, -3, -1, 192, 11, 59, -3, -1, 176, 10
dc 26, -5, -1, 180, -1, 106, 166, -3, -1, 121, 151, -3, -1, 160, 9
dc 144, -9, -3, -1, 179, 136, -3, -1, 43, 90, 178, -7, -3, -1, 165
dc 27, -1, 177, 105, -1, 150, 164, -17, -9, -5, -3, -1, 74, 120, 135
dc -1, 58, 163, -3, -1, 89, 149, -1, 42, 162, -7, -3, -1, 161, 104
dc -1, 134, 119, -3, -1, 73, 148, -1, 57, 147, -63, -31, -15, -7, -3
dc -1, 88, 133, -1, 41, 103, -3, -1, 118, 146, -1, 25, 145, -7, -3
dc -1, 72, 132, -1, 87, 117, -3, -1, 56, 131, -1, 102, 40, -17, -7
dc -3, -1, 130, 24, -1, 71, 116, -5, -1, 129, -1, 8, 128, -1, 86
dc 101, -7, -5, -1, 23, -1, 7, 112, 115, -3, -1, 55, 39, 114, -15
dc -7, -3, -1, 70, 100, -1, 85, 113, -3, -1, 54, 99, -1, 69, 84
dc -7, -3, -1, 38, 98, -1, 22, 97, -5, -3, -1, 6, 96, 53, -1
dc 83, 68, -51, -37, -23, -15, -9, -3, -1, 37, 82, -1, 21, -1, 5
dc 80, -1, 81, -1, 52, 67, -3, -1, 36, 66, -1, 51, 20, -9, -5
dc -1, 65, -1, 4, 64, -1, 35, 50, -1, 19, 49, -7, -5, -3, -1
dc 3, 48, 34, 18, -1, 33, -1, 2, 32, -3, -1, 17, 1, -1, 16
dc 0
dc -29, -21, -13, -7, -3, -1, 11, 15, -1, 13, 14, -3, -1, 7, 5
dc 9, -3, -1, 6, 3, -1, 10, 12, -3, -1, 2, 1, -1, 4, 8
dc 0
dc -15, -7, -3, -1, 15, 14, -1, 13, 12, -3, -1, 11, 10, -1, 9
dc 8, -7, -3, -1, 7, 6, -1, 5, 4, -3, -1, 3, 2, -1, 1
dc 0
dc 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,13,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,0,0
dc htab00,htab01,htab02,htab03,htab04,htab05,htab06,htab07,htab08,htab09
dc htab10,htab11,htab12,htab13,htab14,htab15,htab16,htab16,htab16,htab16
dc htab16,htab16,htab16,htab16,htab24,htab24,htab24,htab24,htab24,htab24
dc htab24,htab24,htaba,htabb
ds 1
dc sfbands_44100,sfbands_48000,sfbands_32000
dc 0,12,24,36,48,66,90,120,156,198,252,318,408,576
dc 0,12,24,36,48,66,84,114,150,192,240,300,378,576
dc 0,12,24,36,48,66,90,126,174,234,312,414,540,576
ds 1
dc sfbandl_44100,sfbandl_48000,sfbandl_32000
dc 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,52,62,74,90,110,134,162,196,238,288,342,418,576
dc 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,42,50,60,72,88,106,128,156,190,230,276,330,384,576
dc 0,4,8,12,16,20,24,30,36,44,54,66,82,102,126,156,194,240,296,364,448,550,576
dc 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,2,0
sfbtab0 dc 0,6,11,16,21
sfbtab1 dc 0,9,18,24,36
sfbtab2 dc 0,8,17,23,35
cs_ca_tab_p dc cs_ca_tab
;win_type=0 NORMAL_WINDOW
dc $059552,$10b515,$1bb44b,$267d87,$30fbc5,$3b1a94,$44c63c,$4debe5,$5679bd
dc $5e5f1b,$658c9a,$6bf440,$718992,$7641af,$7a1366,$7cf744,$7ee7aa,$7fe0d0
dc $7fe0d0,$7ee7aa,$7cf744,$7a1366,$7641af,$718992,$6bf440,$658c9a,$5e5f1b
dc $5679bd,$4debe5,$44c63c,$3b1a94,$30fbc5,$267d87,$1bb44b,$10b515,$059552
;win_type=1 START_WINDOW
dc $059552,$10b515,$1bb44b,$267d87,$30fbc5,$3b1a94,$44c63c,$4debe5,$5679bd
dc $5e5f1b,$658c9a,$6bf440,$718992,$7641af,$7a1366,$7cf744,$7ee7aa,$7fe0d0
dc $7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7ee7aa,$7641af,$658c9a
dc $4debe5,$30fbc5,$10b515,$000000,$000000,$000000,$000000,$000000,$000000
;win_type=2 -> useless, because this case is done by short block imdct code.
; ds 36
slentab0 dc 0,0,0,0,3,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4
slentab1 dc 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,2,3
newslen ds 4
;win_type=3 STOP_WINDOW
dc $000000,$000000,$000000,$000000,$000000,$000000,$10b515,$30fbc5,$4debe5
dc $658c9a,$7641af,$7ee7aa,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff,$7fffff
dc $7fe0d0,$7ee7aa,$7cf744,$7a1366,$7641af,$718992,$6bf440,$658c9a,$5e5f1b
dc $5679bd,$4debe5,$44c63c,$3b1a94,$30fbc5,$267d87,$1bb44b,$10b515,$059552
;coefficients for long blocks imdct
;they are stored in order of use, so do not change their order !
;lots of them are divided by two in order to use fixed point representation
;9 points idct on even indices and twiddle factors,
;or butterflies for 36 points idct
; all factors are/2
dc 1.8793852415718/2
dc 1.532088886238/2
dc 0.5
dc 0.34729635533386/2
dc 1.9696155060244/2 ;tmp0_
dc 1.732050808/2
dc 1.2855752193731/2
dc 0.68404028665134/2
dc 1.732050808/2 ;tmp1_
dc -0.34729635533386/2
dc -1.8793852415718/2
dc 1.532088886238/2
dc 1.2855752193731/2 ;tmp2_
dc -1.732050808/2
dc -0.68404028665134/2
dc 1.9696155060244/2
dc -1.532088886238/2
dc 0.34729635533386/2
dc -1.8793852415718/2
dc 0.68404028665134/2 ;tmp3_
dc -1.732050808/2
dc 1.9696155060244/2
dc -1.2855752193731/2
;9 points idct on odd indices and twiddle factors,
;or butterflies for 36 points idct
; all factors are/2 except some o factors /8 or not divided.
dc 1.8793852415718/2
dc 1.532088886238/2
dc 0.34729635533386/2
dc 1.9696155060244/2 ;tmp0_o
dc 1.732050808/2
dc 1.2855752193731/2
dc 0.68404028665134/2
dc 0.501909918 ;o0 factor
dc 5.736856623/8 ;o7 factor
dc 1.732050808/2 ;tmp1_o
dc 0.517638090 ;o1 factor
dc 1.931851653/2 ;o6 factor
dc -0.34729635533386/2
dc -1.8793852415718/2
dc 1.532088886238/2
dc 1.2855752193731/2 ;tmp2_o
dc -1.732050808/2
dc -0.68404028665134/2
dc 1.9696155060244/2
dc 0.551688959 ;o2 factor
dc 1.183100792/2 ;o5 factor
dc -1.532088886238/2
dc 0.34729635533386/2
dc -1.8793852415718/2
dc 0.68404028665134/2 ;tmp3_o
dc -1.732050808/2
dc 1.9696155060244/2
dc -1.2855752193731/2
dc 0.610387294 ;o3 factor
dc 0.871723397 ;o4 factor
dc 0.707106781/2 ;tmp4o + twiddle factor
;factors for final tmp computation
imdct_l_tab2_p dc imdct_l_tab2
dc -0.250238171
dc -0.25215724
dc -0.2560698785
dc -0.262132281
dc -0.541196100
dc -0.2818454865
dc -0.2964222615
dc -0.3151181035
dc -0.339085426
dc -0.370046808
dc -0.4106699075
dc -0.465289749
dc -0.5414201425
dc -1.306562965/2
dc -0.831377381
dc -1.155056579/2
dc -1.915324394/2
dc -5.731396405/8
;coefficients for short blocks imdct
;they are stored in order of use, so do not change their order !
;some of them are divided by two in order to use fixed point representation
;3 points idct/6 points idct+twiddle factors for odd indices
dc 0.866025403,0.5 ;for tmp0 and tmp5
dc 0.517638090 ;twiddle factor for tmp5
dc 0.707106781 ;twiddle factor for tmp4
dc 0.5
dc 1.931851653/2 ;twiddle factor/2 for tmp3
;12 points twiddle/shifting to imdct/windowing factors
imdct_s_tab2_p dc imdct_s_tab2
dc 0.1072063584 ;first imdct point=out[6]
dc 0.4999999996
dc 2.33195123/4 ;/4
dc -3.03905801/4 ;/4
dc -1.207106781/2 ;/2
dc -0.8143131387
dc -0.6248444486
dc -0.4999999996
dc -0.4000995771
dc -0.3070072035
dc -0.2071067809
dc -0.08226233216
;** quantab - y=2^((x-210)/4)
;** for DSP double precision mode: factor 2^(23+12)
;max = (double)0x1000000;
;val = pow( 2.0, ((double)i-210.0) * 0.25 ) * (double)(1<<12);
;quantab[i*2] = (LONG)( val * 0.5 );
;quantab[i*2+1] = (LONG)( fmod( ldexp(val,23) , max ) + 0.5 );
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000
dc $000000,$000000, $000000,$000000, $000000,$000001, $000000,$000001
dc $000000,$000001, $000000,$000001, $000000,$000001, $000000,$000001
dc $000000,$000001, $000000,$000002, $000000,$000002, $000000,$000002
dc $000000,$000003, $000000,$000003, $000000,$000004, $000000,$000005
dc $000000,$000006, $000000,$000007, $000000,$000008, $000000,$00000a
dc $000000,$00000b, $000000,$00000d, $000000,$000010, $000000,$000013
dc $000000,$000017, $000000,$00001b, $000000,$000020, $000000,$000026
dc $000000,$00002d, $000000,$000036, $000000,$000040, $000000,$00004c
dc $000000,$00005b, $000000,$00006c, $000000,$000080, $000000,$000098
dc $000000,$0000b5, $000000,$0000d7, $000000,$000100, $000000,$000130
dc $000000,$00016a, $000000,$0001af, $000000,$000200, $000000,$000261
dc $000000,$0002d4, $000000,$00035d, $000000,$000400, $000000,$0004c2
dc $000000,$0005a8, $000000,$0006ba, $000000,$000800, $000000,$000983
dc $000000,$000b50, $000000,$000d74, $000000,$001000, $000000,$001307
dc $000000,$0016a1, $000000,$001ae9, $000000,$002000, $000000,$00260e
dc $000000,$002d41, $000000,$0035d1, $000000,$004000, $000000,$004c1c
dc $000000,$005a82, $000000,$006ba2, $000000,$008000, $000000,$009838
dc $000000,$00b505, $000000,$00d745, $000000,$010000, $000000,$013070
dc $000000,$016a0a, $000000,$01ae8a, $000000,$020000, $000000,$0260e0
dc $000000,$02d414, $000000,$035d14, $000000,$040000, $000000,$04c1c0
dc $000000,$05a828, $000000,$06ba28, $000000,$080000, $000000,$09837f
dc $000000,$0b504f, $000000,$0d7450, $000000,$100000, $000000,$1306fe
dc $000000,$16a09e, $000000,$1ae8a0, $000000,$200000, $000000,$260dfc
dc $000000,$2d413d, $000000,$35d13f, $000000,$400000, $000000,$4c1bf8
dc $000000,$5a827a, $000000,$6ba27e, $000000,$800000, $000000,$9837f0
dc $000000,$b504f3, $000000,$d744fd, $000001,$000000, $000001,$306fe1
dc $000001,$6a09e6, $000001,$ae89fa, $000002,$000000, $000002,$60dfc1
dc $000002,$d413cd, $000003,$5d13f3, $000004,$000000, $000004,$c1bf83
dc $000005,$a8279a, $000006,$ba27e6, $000008,$000000, $000009,$837f05
dc $00000b,$504f33, $00000d,$744fcd, $000010,$000000, $000013,$06fe0a
dc $000016,$a09e66, $00001a,$e89f99, $000020,$000000, $000026,$0dfc14
dc $00002d,$413ccd, $000035,$d13f33, $000040,$000000, $00004c,$1bf829
dc $00005a,$82799a, $00006b,$a27e65, $000080,$000000, $000098,$37f052
dc $0000b5,$04f334, $0000d7,$44fccb, $000100,$000000, $000130,$6fe0a3
dc $00016a,$09e668, $0001ae,$89f996, $000200,$000000, $000260,$dfc146
dc $0002d4,$13ccd0, $00035d,$13f32b, $000400,$000000, $0004c1,$bf828c
dc $0005a8,$2799a0, $0006ba,$27e657, $000800,$000000, $000983,$7f0519
dc $000b50,$4f3340, $000d74,$4fccad, $001000,$000000, $001306,$fe0a32
dc $0016a0,$9e667f, $001ae8,$9f995b, $002000,$000000, $00260d,$fc1463
dc $002d41,$3cccfe, $0035d1,$3f32b6, $004000,$000000, $004c1b,$f828c7
dc $005a82,$7999fd, $006ba2,$7e656b, $008000,$000000, $009837,$f0518e
dc $00b504,$f333fa, $00d744,$fccad7, $010000,$000000, $01306f,$e0a31b
dc $016a09,$e667f4, $01ae89,$f995ad, $020000,$000000, $0260df,$c14637
dc $02d413,$cccfe7, $035d13,$f32b5a, $040000,$000000, $04c1bf,$828c6e
dc $05a827,$999fcf, $06ba27,$e656b5, $080000,$000000, $09837f,$0518dc
dc $0b504f,$333f9e, $0d744f,$ccad6a, $100000,$000000, $1306fe,$0a31b7
dc $16a09e,$667f3c, $1ae89f,$995ad4, $200000,$000000, $260dfc,$14636e
dc $2d413c,$ccfe78, $35d13f,$32b5a7, $400000,$000000, $4c1bf8,$28c6dc
org y:
align 16
dc 0.857492925712, -0.5144957554270
dc 0.881741997318, -0.4717319685650
dc 0.949628649103, -0.3133774542040
dc 0.983314592492, -0.1819131996110
dc 0.995517816065, -0.0945741925262
dc 0.999160558175, -0.0409655828852
dc 0.999899195243, -0.0141985685725
dc 0.999993155067, -0.0036999746738
busy dc 0
dc 0
ds 8206 ;comes from main prog (see 'MP3_pow43tab.h')
; dc "**prev0**"
hybrid_prev0 ds 576
; dc "**prev1**"
hybrid_prev1 ds 576
; dc "**prev.**"
; dc "**reorder***"
y_reorder ds 576-378 ;largest scalefactor-band for short blocks
; dc ">>reorder<<<"
dc $000000,$fff8c1,$003540,$ff8d41,$01fd40,$faf7c1,$066b80,$db63c1
dc $494780,$249c40,$066b80,$050840,$01fd40,$0072c0,$003540,$000740
dc $ffffc1,$fff841,$003680,$ff7e41,$01f400,$fa9cc1,$05d1c0,$d99601
dc $493c00,$22ce00,$06f780,$04ad00,$0203c0,$006440,$003400,$000680
dc $ffffc1,$fff741,$003780,$ff6ec1,$01e800,$fa4241,$052a00,$d7ca01
dc $491a00,$20ffc0,$077600,$045240,$020800,$0056c0,$003280,$000600
dc $ffffc1,$fff681,$003840,$ff5ec1,$01d940,$f9e8c1,$047440,$d60081
dc $48e180,$1f32c0,$07e700,$03f7c0,$0209c0,$004980,$003100,$000540
dc $ffffc1,$fff5c1,$0038c0,$ff4e41,$01c780,$f990c1,$03b000,$d43ac1
dc $489240,$1d6800,$084b00,$039e40,$020940,$003d00,$002f80,$0004c0
dc $ffffc1,$fff4c1,$003900,$ff3d41,$01b2c0,$f93a41,$02ddc0,$d279c1
dc $482d00,$1ba040,$08a200,$0345c0,$0206c0,$003140,$002dc0,$000440
dc $ffffc1,$fff3c1,$003900,$ff2c01,$019b00,$f8e641,$01fd40,$d0be81
dc $47b1c0,$19dc80,$08ecc0,$02ef00,$020240,$002640,$002c00,$000400
dc $ffff81,$fff2c1,$0038c0,$ff1a41,$017fc0,$f894c1,$010e80,$cf09c1
dc $4720c0,$181d80,$092b40,$0299c0,$01fc00,$001bc0,$002a40,$000380
dc $ffff81,$fff181,$003800,$ff0841,$016180,$f84681,$001180,$cd5cc1
dc $467a40,$166440,$095e00,$024680,$01f440,$001200,$002840,$000340
dc $ffff81,$fff041,$003740,$fef601,$014000,$f7fbc1,$ff0681,$cbb881
dc $45bf00,$14b140,$098580,$01f580,$01ea80,$000900,$002680,$0002c0
dc $ffff81,$ffef01,$0035c0,$fee3c1,$011ac0,$f7b541,$fded81,$ca1d81
dc $44ef80,$130580,$09a1c0,$01a700,$01dfc0,$000080,$0024c0,$000280
dc $ffff41,$ffedc1,$003400,$fed181,$00f280,$f77341,$fcc701,$c88d81
dc $440bc0,$1161c0,$09b3c0,$015b00,$01d380,$fff8c1,$0022c0,$000240
dc $ffff41,$ffec41,$003200,$febf41,$00c680,$f73681,$fb92c1,$c708c1
dc $431500,$0fc6c0,$09bb80,$0111c0,$01c640,$fff1c1,$002100,$000200
dc $ffff01,$ffeac1,$002f40,$fead01,$009740,$f6ff41,$fa5181,$c59081
dc $420b40,$0e3500,$09b9c0,$00cb80,$01b7c0,$ffeb41,$001f40,$0001c0
dc $ffff01,$ffe941,$002c40,$fe9b01,$006480,$f6ce01,$f90381,$c425c1
dc $40ef80,$0cad00,$09af00,$008840,$01a880,$ffe581,$001d40,$0001c0
dc $fffec1,$ffe7c1,$0028c0,$fe8981,$002e40,$f6a3c1,$f7a901,$c2c901
dc $3fc280,$0b2fc0,$099b80,$004800,$019880,$ffe041,$001bc0,$000180
dc $fffec1,$ffe601,$002480,$fe7841,$fff4c1,$f68041,$f64241,$c17b41
dc $3e84c0,$09bdc0,$097fc0,$000b40,$0187c0,$ffdb81,$001a00,$000140
dc $fffe81,$ffe441,$001fc0,$fe6781,$ffb801,$f66481,$f4d041,$c03d81
dc $3d3700,$085700,$095c40,$ffd1c1,$017680,$ffd741,$001840,$000140
dc $fffe41,$ffe2c1,$001a80,$fe5781,$ff77c1,$f65101,$f35301,$bf1081
dc $3bda40,$06fc80,$093200,$ff9b81,$016500,$ffd3c1,$0016c0,$000100
dc $fffe41,$ffe0c1,$0014c0,$fe4841,$ff3481,$f64641,$f1cb01,$bdf4c1
dc $3a6f80,$05ae80,$0900c0,$ff68c1,$015300,$ffd0c1,$001540,$000100
dc $fffe01,$ffdf01,$000e40,$fe39c1,$feee41,$f64481,$f03941,$bceb01
dc $38f740,$046d40,$08c980,$ff3981,$0140c0,$ffce01,$0013c0,$0000c0
dc $fffdc1,$ffdd41,$000740,$fe2c81,$fea501,$f64c41,$ee9e41,$bbf441
dc $377280,$033900,$088cc0,$ff0d81,$012e80,$ffcc01,$001240,$0000c0
dc $fffd81,$ffdb41,$ffff81,$fe2041,$fe5901,$f65e41,$ecfa81,$bb1081
dc $35e280,$021280,$084ac0,$fee541,$011c40,$ffca41,$001100,$000080
dc $fffd41,$ffd981,$fff701,$fe1581,$fe0a81,$f67a81,$eb4ec1,$ba4101
dc $344780,$00f980,$080440,$fec001,$010a00,$ffc8c1,$000fc0,$000080
dc $fffcc1,$ffd7c1,$ffee01,$fe0bc1,$fdb981,$f6a201,$e99bc1,$b985c1
dc $32a340,$ffee81,$07b980,$fe9e81,$00f7c0,$ffc801,$000e80,$000080
dc $fffc81,$ffd5c1,$ffe441,$fe0401,$fd6641,$f6d4c1,$e7e281,$b8df41
dc $30f640,$fef181,$076b40,$fe8041,$00e5c0,$ffc741,$000d40,$000080
dc $fffc01,$ffd401,$ffd9c1,$fdfdc1,$fd1101,$f71341,$e62381,$b84e41
dc $2f4180,$fe02c1,$0719c0,$fe6501,$00d400,$ffc701,$000c40,$000040
dc $fffbc1,$ffd241,$ffcec1,$fdf941,$fcba41,$f75e01,$e45fc1,$b7d301
dc $2d8640,$fd2241,$06c5c0,$fe4d41,$00c2c0,$ffc701,$000b40,$000040
dc $fffb41,$ffd081,$ffc301,$fdf6c1,$fc61c1,$f7b501,$e29801,$b76dc1
dc $2bc540,$fc5001,$066f40,$fe3881,$00b1c0,$ffc741,$000a40,$000040
dc $fffac1,$ffcf01,$ffb681,$fdf641,$fc0841,$f81901,$e0cd41,$b71e81
dc $29ff80,$fb8bc1,$061740,$fe26c1,$00a140,$ffc7c1,$000980,$000040
dc $fffa01,$ffcd81,$ffa941,$fdf801,$fbadc1,$f88a01,$df0041,$b6e601
dc $283600,$fad601,$05bdc0,$fe1801,$009140,$ffc881,$0008c0,$000040
dc $fff981,$ffcc01,$ff9bc1,$fdfc41,$fb5301,$f90881,$dd3201,$b6c401
dc $266a00,$fa2e41,$056340,$fe0c01,$0081c0,$ffc981,$0007c0,$000040
dc 0.000000, 0.049068, 0.098017, 0.146730 ;sine only
dc 0.195090, 0.242980, 0.290285, 0.336890
dc 0.382683, 0.427555, 0.471397, 0.514103
dc 0.555570, 0.595699, 0.634393, 0.671559
dc 0.707107, 0.740951, 0.773010, 0.803208
dc 0.831470, 0.857729, 0.881921, 0.903989
dc 0.923880, 0.941544, 0.956940, 0.970031
dc 0.980785, 0.989177, 0.995185, 0.998795
dc 0.999999, 0.998795, 0.995185, 0.989177 ;sine and cosine
dc 0.980785, 0.970031, 0.956940, 0.941544
dc 0.923880, 0.903989, 0.881921, 0.857729
dc 0.831470, 0.803208, 0.773010, 0.740951
dc 0.707107, 0.671559, 0.634393, 0.595699
dc 0.555570, 0.514103, 0.471397, 0.427555
dc 0.382683, 0.336890, 0.290285, 0.242980
dc 0.195090, 0.146730, 0.098017, 0.049068
dc 0.000000,-0.049068,-0.098017,-0.146730 ;cosine only
dc -0.195090,-0.242980,-0.290285,-0.336890
dc -0.382683,-0.427555,-0.471397,-0.514103
dc -0.555570,-0.595699,-0.634393,-0.671559
dc -0.707107,-0.740951,-0.773010,-0.803208
dc -0.831470,-0.857729,-0.881921,-0.903989
dc -0.923880,-0.941544,-0.956940,-0.970031
dc -0.980785,-0.989177,-0.995185,-0.998795
org l:
align 64
ds 64
; ** x:rsinx y:rcosx
dcl 0.000000, 0.999999
dcl 0.999999, 0.000000
dcl 0.707107, 0.707107
dcl 0.707107, -0.707107
dcl 0.382683, 0.923880
dcl 0.923880, -0.382683
dcl 0.923880, 0.382683
dcl 0.382683, -0.923880
dcl 0.195090, 0.980785
dcl 0.980785, -0.195090
dcl 0.831470, 0.555570
dcl 0.555570, -0.831470
dcl 0.555570, 0.831470
dcl 0.831470, -0.555570
dcl 0.980785, 0.195090
dcl 0.195090, -0.980785
dcl 0.098017, 0.995185
dcl 0.995185, -0.098017
dcl 0.773010, 0.634393
dcl 0.634393, -0.773010
dcl 0.471397, 0.881921
dcl 0.881921, -0.471397
dcl 0.956940, 0.290285
dcl 0.290285, -0.956940
dcl 0.290285, 0.956940
dcl 0.956940, -0.290285
dcl 0.881921, 0.471397
dcl 0.471397, -0.881921
dcl 0.634393, 0.773010
dcl 0.773010, -0.634393
dcl 0.995185, 0.098017
dcl 0.098017, -0.995185
; X: - left Y: - right
dcl 0.000000, 0.999999 ;0
dcl 0.211325, 0.788675 ;1
dcl 0.366025, 0.633975 ;2
dcl 0.500000, 0.500000 ;3
dcl 0.633975, 0.366025 ;4
dcl 0.788675, 0.211325 ;5
dcl 0.999999, 0.000000 ;6
dcl 0, 0 ;7 (SKIP) 1.3660254, -0.3660254
;end of 3bit-distance
dcl 0, 0 ;8 2.3660254, -1.3660254
dcl 0, 0 ;9 NaN (undefined)
dcl 0, 0 ;10 -1.3660254, 2.3660254
dcl 0, 0 ;11 -0.3660254, 1.3660254
dcl 0.000000, 0.999999 ;12
dcl 0.211325, 0.788675 ;13
dcl 0.366025, 0.633975 ;14
dcl 0.500000, 0.500000 ;15
;end of 4bit-distance
;the end